Skill HireCrewmember

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===Hire Crewmember===
Domain: Influential
Available: Sailor(30)
Allows: Influencing
UseCost: Mana (80)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: hirecrew
Description: From inside a pub or bar near the shore, the player can hire a local patron to man his or her ship. The hireling will be 5-10 levels below the player, and will take on one of the crew roles when they are brought aboard the ship. Roles include Captain (navigates the ship at random during peace), Tactician (navigates the ship during combat), Repairer (fixes battle damage), Defender (defends the ship when boarded), and Trawler (brings in fish). Hiring a sailor costs more money as the player goes up in level. Once the sailor is aboard ship and dismissed from following the player (see NOFOLLOW), they will make that room their home room and begin their duties.


Sailors come from all walks of life, and often speak a diverse set of languages.