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CoffeeMUD |
Administrator Builder Player |
=CoffeeMUD Player Information= | |||
Basics | Info Commands Socials Combat Groups | Character | Stats Races Classes Abilities Expertises Achievements |
World | Deities Areas Property Quests Clans Triumphs | Items | Items Crafting Ships |
==Abilities== |
Chants Common Skills Languages Prayers Skills Songs Spells Thief Skills |
===Prayer Domains=== |
Blessing Communing Conjuration Corruption Cosmology Creation Cursing Death Lore Evangelism Healing Holy Protection Neutralization Restoration Vexing Warding |
- a Prayer
- Absorption
- Acid Healing
- Adoption
- Airyform
- Anger
- Animal Spirit
- Animate Dead
- Animate Ghast
- Animate Ghost
- Animate Ghoul
- Animate Mummy
- Animate Skeleton
- Animate Spectre
- Animate Vampire
- Animate Zombie
- Annul
- Anti Undead Field
- Atonement
- Aura of the Divine Edict
- Aura of Fear
- Aura of Harm
- Aura of Healing
- Aura of Intolerance
- Aura of Strife
- Avatar
- Awaken
- Behemoth
- Benediction
- Birds Eye
- Blade Barrier
- Bless
- Blessed Hearth
- Bless Item
- Blindness
- Blindsight
- Bloat Bomb
- Blood Hearth
- Blood Curse
- Bone Moon
- Brightening Aura
- Bury
- Call Undead
- Calm
- Inflict Cannibalism
- Cause Critical Wounds
- Cause Exhaustion
- Cause Fatigue
- Cause Light Wounds
- Cause Serious Wounds
- Chain Strike
- Christen
- Cleanliness
- Condemnation
- Consecrate Land
- Contagion
- Conviction
- Corpse Walk
- Corruption
- Create Food
- Create Idol
- Create Water
- Cure Blindness
- Cure Cannibalism
- Cure Critical Wounds
- Cure Deafness
- Cure Disease
- Cure Exhaustion
- Cure Fatigue
- Cure Light Wounds
- Cure Serious Wounds
- Cure Vampirism
- Curse
- Curse Flames
- Curse Item
- Curse Luck
- Curse Metal
- Curse Mind
- Curse Minds
- Daily Bread
- Darkening Aura
- Dark Senses
- Deafness
- Deathfinger
- Death Guard
- Death Knell
- Deaths Door
- Demonic Consumption
- Demonshield
- Desecrate
- Desecrate Land
- Designation
- Devourer Curse
- Neutralize Item
- Dispel Evil
- Dispel Good
- Dispel Undead
- Divine Constitution
- Divine Favor
- Divine Guidance
- Divine Luck
- Divine Perspective
- Divine Resistance
- Divorce
- Doom Aura
- Doomspout
- Drain
- Dream Feast
- Drunken Stupor
- Earth to Mud
- Earthshield
- Electric Healing
- Electric Strike
- Ember
- Enervate
- Etherealness
- Extinguish
- Faithless
- Feed The Dead
- Feign Life
- Fertilize
- Fidelity
- Fire Healing
- Flame Weapon
- Flesh Rock
- Forgive
- Nourishing Food
- Fortress
- Fountain of Life
- Freedom
- Freeze Metal
- Gateway
- Gills
- Godlight
- Godstrike
- Great Curse
- Guardian Hearth
- Harm
- Haunted
- Heal
- Healing Aura
- Heal Mount
- Heal Undead
- Hellfire
- Heresy
- Hold Undead
- Holy Aura
- Holy Day
- Holy Shield
- Holy Wind
- Holy Word
- Hunt Evil
- Hunt Good
- Ice Healing
- Incite Dead
- Infuse Balance
- Infuse Holiness
- Infuse Unholiness
- Invigorate
- Joyous Rapture
- Judgement
- Hammer of Light
- Linked Health
- Lower Law
- Major Infusion
- Maladiction
- Marry
- Mass Blindness
- Mass Cure Disease
- Mass Deafness
- Mass Freedom
- Mass Grave
- Mass Harm
- Mass Heal
- Mass Mobility
- Mass Paralyze
- Mercy
- Minor Infusion
- Moderate Infusion
- Monolith
- Moral Balance
- Neutralize Land
- Nullification
- Omnipresence
- Paralyze
- Peace Ritual
- Philosophy
- Piety Curse
- Plague
- Planar Travel
- Unholy Poison
- Position
- Preserve Body
- Prophecy
- Protection Cold
- Protection Curses
- Protection Disease
- Protection Elements
- Protect Health
- Protection Evil
- Protection Fire
- Protection Good
- Protection Outsiders
- Protection Paralyzation
- Protection Poison
- Protection Undead
- Purify
- Refresh
- Refuge
- Regeneration
- Regrowth
- Religious Doubt
- Remove Curse
- Remove Death Mark
- Remove Paralysis
- Remove Poison
- Restoration
- Restore Smell
- Restore Voice
- Resurrect
- Resurrect Mount
- Retribution
- Revival
- Righteous Indignation
- Rock Flesh
- Rockskin
- Rot
- Sacrifice
- Sanctify Room
- Sanctimonious
- Sanctuary
- Sanctum
- Seekers Prayer
- Sense Alignment
- Sense Allergies
- Sense Disease
- Sense Evil
- Sense Faithful
- Sense Good
- Sense Hidden
- Sense Injury
- Sense Invisible
- Sense Life
- Sense Magic
- Sense Prayers
- Sense Professions
- Sense Skills
- Sense Songs
- Sense Spells
- Sense Traps
- Sense Undead
- Sermon
- Silent
- Snake Staff
- Sober
- Soul Peering
- Speak with Dead
- Stasis
- Stoning
- Elemental Aid
- Sun Curse
- Thunderbolt
- Tithe
- Tremor
- True Resurrection
- Invisibility to Undead
- Undeniable Faith
- Unholy Armament
- Unholy Portent
- Unholy Word
- Inflict Vampirism
- Wave
- Change Weather
- Wings