Spell EnchantArrows

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Revision as of 03:28, 13 August 2016 by Loki (talk | contribs)
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===Enchant Arrows===
Domain: Enchantment/Charm
Available: Alterer(2) Arcanist(3) Conjurer(2) Diviner(2) Enchanter(2) Evoker(2) Illusionist(2) Mage(2) Transmuter(2)
Allows: Extended Enchanting Power Enchanting Ranged Enchanting Reduced Enchanting Wise Crafting
UseCost: Mana (all)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: CAST, CA, C
Examples: cast "enchant arrows" arrows
Description: This spell causes a single bundle of arrows to become permanently enchanted. Enchanted arrows will hit better and do more damage in combat. The spell is draining on the caster, however, causing the caster to lose 5 experience points per casting, and requires full mana.

