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=Deities= |
Alraparanian Pantheon: Alram Bella Cygnus Kortamus Lorti Malla Paran |
=Invader Gods= |
Demon Gods: Lilith |
Faerunian Gods: Bane Gond Kelemvor Mask Mielikki Myrkul Shaundakul Torm Tymora Tyr Umberlee |
CoffeeMUD has a unique pantheon of gods: The Alra-Paranian pantheon.
History of the World
It is known among the sages that the god Alram was given the job of molding a place on which to set the plan of life in motion. He created a universe of brightly lit torches, and by their light was able to construct a flat plain of earth on which life could be sustained. The goddess Malla brought the sun into existence and set it to spin around the world, providing a day and night. The gods together (or under direction) agreed on a scheme of order and amusement and purpose, all of which would be embodied in the world. On this world then Alram placed plants and the seas, which would sustain the first life. Paran than created men and elves, the embodiment of the worlds high purpose, alone possessing reason. Alram created the dwarves and the gnomes, being tied to the earth and to it’s fruits. The god Lorti then taught the peoples government and wise counsel, around which they could find order. Bella gave them wisdom and capacity for knowledge, that they might have dominion over the lesser creatures. Lastly, Malla taught them peace, that they may temper the gifts of Lorti.
And with the flourishing of the world, each of these gods then created deities to aid their creations and themselves. These deities also called gods and goddesses answer the calls of their greater brothers and sisters while leading the peoples of the lands and oceans.
So the world as intended by the gods was made, and the thus began it’s journey when the god Kortamus, opposed to the domain of good and order, then created his own peoples to occupy the world. He borrowed from the creations of Alram and Paran, distorting them until he had introduced chaos and evil to the other peoples, thus giving them free will, and making the destiny of the world no longer certain. And so thus the world now stands, divided and struggling to right itself after the deeds of Kortamus.
List of Major Gods
- Alram - Alram is the God of Nature and Creativity. Having molded the world from the raw materials of his thought, he is believed by his worshipers to be the King of the Gods.
- Paran - Paran is the god of Sentience and Passion. Considered the second most powerful god, he watches over all of his beloved children, the thinking and feeling races of the realm.
- Lorti - Lorti is the god of War, and the Rule of men over each other. His worship is usually found in military and fighter ranks, and his Clerics among the most respected as both tacticians and supressors of insurrection or revolt.
- Malla - Malla is the goddess of peace and light. It is from her beauty that the good powers of magic flow into the world, and her nature which inspires brotherhood.
- Bella - Bella is the goddess of knowledge and wisdom, whose plea is that all beings seek and attain the highest enlightenment during their time.
- Kortamus - Kortamus is the evil god of Chaos. Although originally a creative and inspiring member of the realm of gods, he was eventually cast out for his cruel and vicious pursuit of trivial pleasures and arbitrary goals at all cost.
Each deity has their own portfolio of allowed worshipers. Worshipers who fall out of grace with their deity will eventually be rebuked by their deity, suffering a huge loss of experience.
Services are performed on (un)holy grounds by clerics for their congregation. Each deity has a specific set of instructions for performing services. At the completion of the service all worshippers will receive (TBD).