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Goblins are small twisted creatures, quick on their feet, and natural tinkerers with all manner of wicked traps and devices Their class choices are limited, but they excel at thieving, and make great miners and delvers.
Stat Adjustments:
strength-1, intelligence+1, dexterity+2, charisma-1, wisdom-1, max strength adj.-1, max intelligence adj.+1, max dexterity adj.+2, max charisma adj.-1, max wisdom adj.-1
Racial Abilities:
Cultural Abilities:
Racial Effects:
Bonus Languages:
Goblinese(100%), Orcish(50%)
Bonus Abilities:
infravision, Mining(75%)
Experience Modification:
Life Expectancy:
63 years
Starting Equipment:
a small ratty tunic, a cotton loincloth, a knitted weapon belt
Wear Locations:
Qualifying Classes:
Apprentice Arcanist Artisan Assassin Barbarian Burglar Cleric Delver Doomsayer Druid Fighter Gaoler Minstrel Missionary Monk Necromancer Shaman Templar Thief Trapper