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Dwarves are shorter than humans, but much stockier, and enjoy sporting beards (including the women). They receive one bonus Constitution point, but lose one Charisma point. They also have Infravision, or the ability to see other creatures in the dark. Dwarves are natural Miners, though their class choices will be limited.
Stat Adjustments:
constitution+1, charisma-1, save vs poison+10, max constitution adj.+1, max charisma adj.-1
Racial Abilities:
Cultural Abilities:
Racial Effects:
Bonus Languages:
Bonus Abilities:
infravision, Mining(50%)
Experience Modification:
Life Expectancy:
290 years
Starting Equipment:
a grey work tunic, a pair of hefty work boots, some hefty work pants, a knitted weapon belt
Wear Locations:
Qualifying Classes:
Apprentice Arcanist Artisan Assassin Barbarian Bard Beastmaster Burglar Cleric Delver Doomsayer Druid Fighter Gaian Gaoler Healer Minstrel Missionary Necromancer Oracle Purist Shaman SkyWatcher Templar Thief Trapper