Build 5.10.4

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CoffeeMud Version 5.10.4

Released Dec 5th, 2024

 *  DATABASE CHANGED! (Bitmap field in CMCHAR table is now larger)
 1. Races/GenRaces support parameters for cultural abilities.
 2. Better MSSP/MSDP support.  New INI entry: MSXPVARS.
 3. Ability CODES & DOMAINS can now be added to via the INI file/control panel.
 4. Deity powers, curses, blessings all now support arguments
 5. New skills: Improved Revoke, Hard to Starboard, Staff Sweep, Staff Block
 6. GenAbilities: better argument parsing (see Game Builders Guide)
 7. New command: NOSPAM
 8. AutoGenInstances will now respect multiple entrances.  See RandomAreas guide.
 9. Two new Pride/TOP Stat config settings, PRIDECATS and PRIDECOUNT in INI file
10. TOP command now only displays text files in resources/text/topplayers.txt, etc
11. TOP pride stats are retained for deleted players & accounts, until they fall off.
12. New Zappermask: +-DOMAIN
13. Thin Areas will now develop their correct area stats eventually
14. Can now modify GenAbility IDs, and create new ones based on existing ones.
15. Regeneration property now has many finer controls
16. GMCP now supports char.effects.get
17. New chants: breath color, know animal, enhance potion, spark runes, inspect shard
18. All Qualifies list now supports secret flag
19. New formula: proficiency gain; see ini file
20. Note:  Due to InterMud 3 changes, some will see a harmless one-time error at startup.
21. New Prayer: Pacify -- a targeted Calm with duration
22. Proficiency cap from practicing now in INI file (see PRACMAXPCT)
23. Unit Tests (TEST command) are now friendlier and more accessible
24. Wish/Limited Wish now has a configuration file in resources/skills/wish.txt
25. Unleveling and Unleveling from XP loss can be disabled in the INI file
26. Unleveling no longer removes a level 0 class, but still takes from other classes
27. SCORE command has more arguments for narrowing the results.
28. Prop_ItemNoRuin can now be used to Always ruin an item.
29. Class Skills, including All Qualifys, now support expertises as requirements.
30. New Command "AutoAttack" for toggling auto attack.   Also available in Config.
31. Players can now drop, get, etc all weapons, armor, items, or money.
32. TOP/Pride stats now preserves previous-period stats.
33. CRON jobs now support new intervals and better formula support (HELP CRON)
34. New example script playerBackups.js for making player backups as cmare xml.
35. New example script topMonthlyRpt.js for making TOP player reports every month.
36. New example script topMonthlyAwards.js for giving TOP player awards every month.
37. New thief skills: Runecasting, Kidnapping, Urchinize, Tarot Reading, Find Runaway
38. Prophecy prayer will now also use new random predictions file
39. New property: ScriptLater for, well, scripting later
40. Generate command now supports object type SCRIPTS
41. StdPlanarAbility, etc now works on exits and portals
42. Spell_Teleport can now generate random areas when places on exits and portals.
43. The XML files feature from quest scripts can now be used in mobprog scripts also.
44. New prayer: Divine Quest, mostly to use in blessings or curses.
45. New spell: Tap Scroll, Mystic Task, mostly for use in scripts
47. POSE command now supports HERE argument.
48. New Achievement award types: ITEM, and MOB
49. New chants: Release Magic, Tasseography, Curse Mood, Enhance Jewelry, Extend Fortune
50. Areas now track several more stats and most common race, see LIST AREAS for more info.
51. New thief skills: My Urchins, Astrology, Name Urchin, Promote Urchin, Call Urchins
52. New chants: Suppress Fortune, Enhance Shard, Bountiful Womb, Curse Fortune, Palm Reading
53. New common skill: Shard Making, Improved Herbalism
54. New skills: Staff Spin, Scroll Familiarity, Trade Charting, Staff Thrust, Caravan Travel
55. New chants: Steal Fortune, Strengthen Seed, Endow Club, Reverse Fortune, Endow Gemstones
56. New thief skills: Conceal Pathway, Urchin Spy, Fortune Telling
57. New chants: Curse Seed, Endow Jewelry, Endow Ioun Stone, Stabilize Form
58. New rideable type: furniture-hook
59. HELP can now match on common recipes to tell you which skill produces them.
60. Many resource files can be 'extended' by adding versions with .1, .2, etc after the extension.
61. Std/Gen Journals now support post and msg size limits, and post expiration.
62. CONSIDER and GCONSIDER now support the "all" syntax.
63. ACCOUNT now supports a sort field.
64. Corpses can now be generated with some cause-of-death blurbs, see CORPSE_BLURBS in LISTS.INI.
65. New MOB class: StdCraftBroker, allows players to craft for each other async. See Archons Guide
66. Magical Ability code on armor now applies only to non-multiwear armor.
67. Game Channels can now be tied to Discord channels via Discord Apps and Bots.
68. New shopkeeper type: children seller (for an orphanage).
69. New RP/MUSH-like command 'DIEROLL'.
70. User selection masking now supports "LAST.", like GET LAST.SWORD
71. FTELL will now invoke GTELL, but only for your followers.
72. GROUP now supports LEADER keyword to change your group leader.
73. FORMATION can now put anyone in front row, and attacks initiated by formation make front row tank.
74. New item type: GenBurnOven -- an oven that requires burning fuel inside.
75. New Property: TriggeredAffects, for having effects that are triggered :)
76. New race: Rust Monster
77. ORDER now works with animal followers for specific commands in LISTS.INI file
78. Can now LIST DBCONNECTIONS to check database status
79. New character class: Gypsy - thief subclass with druid highlights
80. New command: AUTOTELLNOTIFY, with CONFIG support also, for account-based muds.