CMARE Share(Admin)
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CoffeeMUD area files have the extension .CMARE and are called "See-Mare" files. The CMARE files listed below are free for use by any CoffeeMUD administrator, but should maintain any credits to the original CMARE developers. This list is moderated by Loki on If you would like to donate a CMARE file to be added to this repository, please contact Loki on the MUD for instructions.
While we try to ensure the safety of all files, players and builders can be quite clever at slipping in easter-eggs. Please report any file that has a potential abuse to Loki on so that it can be fixed.
These files have been previewed by Loki and should be safe to import to a MUD with the given constraints.
- File:Crosstreams - Level 1 adventuring area, based off the classic sewers area.
- File:Ershteep - A CoffeeMUDified version of Jaceks's version of Ershteep City. It includes the racial file for the Enfan race (a tainted, short human) and a custom Dog (canine) race.
- File:Greenshoe - A moderate sized inn with 10 rooms, that uses a human GenShopkeeper of type Inn Keeper and StdInnKeys. Note: The keycodes on the dooors are automatically coordinated with the keys the inn keeper sells, just make sure he has as many keys as locked doors. This inn simply uses the key code inn1 through inn10 to make the 10 StdInnKeys in the innkeeper's inventory properly unlock the rental rooms.
- - This class is used by CoffeeMUD to provide limitations on security settings for Archons-in-Training. A character of this class will not gain levels and must be promoted by an Archon into the class, and each level of the class. For specific details on this class, see also: Praetor for specific levels and permissions, and how CoffeeMUD promotes Praetors.
- - A race of short, evil-tainted humans that have invaded Ershteep City.
- - Tieflings are humans with some demon ancestry deep in their past.
- - This ability was created by Orleron to provide a mechanic to transfer items to a predeclared room (modify the destination room within the script inside the ability). It limits the items to level 30 or less, and the items must be droppable. Once you import the ability, add it to your All-qual list or specific classes ability lists, as desired.
- Note: This ability doesn't place a lot of restrictions on items you can donate, including immovable ones. Review the script to ensure it meets your muds needs.
- An example of potentials updates which removes the level limit, but adds restrictions for ungettable items created by Vide Noir:
imask_prog p donate if gstat($t ISREMOVABLE == TRUE) if gstat($t ISGETTABLE == TRUE) if gstat($t ISDROPPABLE == TRUE) mptransfer $t 'DONATELOCATION' if inroom($n == 'DONATELOCATION') mpforce $n drop $t endif mpechoat $n You donate $t. mpecho $t is snatched out of $n's hands by a cargo drone and is taken away. mpechoat 'DONATELOCATION' $t is delivered by a cargo drone! else mpechoat $n You are unable to donate this item. It might be undroppable. endif else mpechoat $n You are unable to donate this item. It might be ungettable. endif else mpechoat $n You are unable to donate this item. It might be unremovable endif ~
- - This ability was created by Vide Noir to allow self-casting of the Change Sex spell.
- File:Ooc - This ability was created by Vide Noir to allow a player to grant another player 15% XP towards their next level. The target may only benefit from this ability once per hour.
Skill Files
- File:Gunsmith - Replace the contents of your Gunsmith.txt file with the contents of this file for a greatly expanded variety of modern ammunition types. Provided by Vide Noir.
- recipes - A book of blacksmithing recipes for storing items.
- recipes - A book of carpentry recipes for storing items.
- recipes - A book of sculpting recipes for storing items.
- recipes - A list of six tomes that provide colorful doorway curtains (curtains block the view to the next room, but can be moved through without opening them. Opening them will show the room title of the adjacent room).
Outfit Containers
- - 13 different outfit containers that players may use to quickly change from one set to the one in the container.
- - 1 Sample resource vendor. Resource vendors in general should limit the types of commodities they sell, which will allow you to encourage exploration for the vendor who sells the specific thing the crafters are looking for, and prevent the shopkeeper list from growing to hundreds of entries.
- File:Faerunian Deities Part - 11 GenDeities from the Forgotten Realms setting for players to convert to. These deities conform to Loki's Guide to Deities, assuming a maximum player level of 91 and the implementation of alignment and inclination factions. Each deity also comes with iconic level 91 weapons they reportedly wield in the realms, enabling a variety of Holy Avengers and opportunities to wish for powerful weapons. Deities included are Bane, Gond, Kelemvor, Mask, Mielikki, Myrkul, Shaundakul, Torm, Tymora, Tyr, and Umberlee from the Forgotten Realms settings. These are intellectual property of Wizards of the Coast, so please investigate the "fair use" copyright clause before implementing in any pay-to-play MUD.