Prop HaveZapper

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Effect: Restrictions to ownership
Targets: Items
Parameters: masking parameters described below, optional zap message
Examples: -class +mage -race +elf -evil

MESSAGE="<O-NAME> flies out of <S-NAME>'s hands!" -class +mage

Description: Whenever this item is picked up by a mob, the item will be zapped out of the mobs hands if they meet the parameters. An optional MESSAGE parameter can define what is seen when the zap occurs. Also optionally, the parameters can start with the word ACTUAL to change zapping behavior to look at actual values instead of perceived values (this about a class check applied to a Charlatan.). The parameters can also start with the word CONTENT to have the zapper apply equally to a container and its contents (at least until the thing with the zapper is separated from the container). If the parameters include any alignment checks, the item will end up with an appropriate ambiance as well. See AHELP ZAPPERMASK, where allowed can possess, and disallowed is zapped.

