Prop ImproveGather
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CoffeeMUD |
Administrator Builder Player |
=CoffeeMUD Builder Information= | |||
Basics | Praetor Player Support Commands Zapper Masks | Advanced | Races Classes Abilities Socials Scripting |
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===Prop_ImproveGather=== | |
Effect: | Improve Gathering Skills |
Targets: | Items,Rooms,Mobs,Areas |
Examples: | amt=3 mask="-SEASON +SPRING" skills=Farming,Foraging |
Description: | Alls the mob, item, or location to bestow the ability to multiply the yield from certain gathering skills. SKILLS can be either a list of Ability IDs, or the word "ALL" to apply to all gathering skills. A MASK would always apply to the person doing the skill, and the AMT is the integer number to multiply the yield by (or 0 to make it go away altogether!).
See AHELP ZAPPERMASK, where allowed is improved, and disallowed is not. |