Prop ReqCapacity

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Effect: Capacity Limitations
Targets: Areas, Room


Examples: people=2

players=3 mobs=2 indoor=true weight=2000 items=10

Description: Creates a capacity limit of one or more types for the room or area with this affect. The ITEMS, or WEIGHT parameters may be used to limit the number of items, or maximum weight respectively. The CONTAINERSOK parameter will create an exception for putting items in containers (but not for dropping the containers themselves). The PEOPLE parameter lets you limit the total number of players and/or mobs. Otherwise, the PLAYERS or MOBS can be used to limit the number of players or non-player mobs respectively. The optional INDOOR flag only matters if this property is added to an area; it makes the property only enforce itself on indoor rooms types.

If no parameters at all are given, a PEOPLE capacity of 2 is assumed.

When this property is on an entry room with Prop_LotsForSale or Prop_LotForSale, then this property will be automatically propogated to each new room created. Also, in this case, and the optional parameter ROOMS can be specified to limit the maximum number of contiguous new rooms that can be generated.


This is a very important property for GenSailingShip rooms.

  • Deck rooms should have a weight limit to prevent players from having too many siege weapons in a single deck room.
  • Cargo hold rooms should have an item limit to prevent too many items from being stored in the boat (useful for mud cleanliness and to reduce the number of items loaded on startup...players tend to be hoarders when given space).

This is a very important property for player/clan owned rooms.

  • Private rooms should have an item limit to prevent too many items from being stored in the room(useful for mud cleanliness and to reduce the number of items loaded on startup...players tend to be hoarders when given space).

This property can also be used to restrict traffic in a room .

  • A rickety bridge which allows only one person at a time.
  • A choke point to prevent players from using hirelings in an area (leaving them outside the area).