Prop Retainable

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Revision as of 20:48, 18 December 2023 by Loki (talk | contribs) (Replaced content with "{{#section-h:LISTPROPS|Ability to set Price/Retainability of a pet.}} =Notes= . Category:MOBS(BuilderInfo)")
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Effect: Ability to set Price/Retainability of a pet.
Targets: Mobs
Parameters: The value of the mob to shopkeepers

Price of the mob per period;number of days per period (PERSIST=true)

Examples: 100000

100 persist=true;10

Description: This property serves many a purpose: to allow you to set a value to mobs when being sold as pets by shopkeepers. It also allows you to create mobs which will be saved in the database when the system is shut down, so long as the mob has this property, and the mob is presently on someone's personal home, such as a Prop_RoomForSale room. The second parameter following the semicolon, if present, will also make the mob automatically draw money from the property owners bank account periodically. The second parameter refers to the number of mud-days between each pay period. If a pay period passes and the mob can not find a bank account of the owners from which to get paid, or has not been placed on someone's personal property as described above, the mob will quit and disappear.

If persist is set to true, then the mob will stop following the player, but remain in the game when the player logs out.

