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Alraparanian Pantheon:        Alram        Bella        Cygnus        Kortamus        Lorti        Malla        Paran
=Invader Gods=
Demon Gods: Lilith       
Faerunian Gods: Bane        Gond        Kelemvor        Mask        Mielikki        Myrkul        Shaundakul        Torm        Tymora        Tyr        Umberlee       
Alignment/Inclination: (pure goodness/pure chaotic)
Description: Tymora is the sister of Beshaba, and upholds a staunch rivalry with her sibling. She decides the fate of those who would worship evil with a roll of her dice, and in turn gives her blessing to those who are willing to take risks in life.
Priest Restrictions: Allows only Cleric, Healer. Disallows evil. Disallows the following alignment: Lawful.
Follower Restrictions: Disallows evil. Disallows the following alignment: Lawful.
Favored Weapon: a throwable spinning coin
Available Blessings: Divine Luck, Trap Immunity (Clerics only), Detect Ambush, Detect Traps, Protection Law
Granted Powers:
Powers Instructions:
Blessing Instructions: The blessings of Tymora are placed upon her clerics whenever the cleric does the following: the player should say 'bless me, tymora, to accept great risks this day', and the player should touch MOB Target, and the player should say 'grant me strength to accept my fate, be it fortune or failure'.

The blessings of Tymora are placed upon her worshippers whenever they do the following: the player should say 'bless me, tymora, lady luck', and the player should touch MOB Target, and the player should say 'bring me luck'.

Service Instructions: The services of Tymora requires using an Infused place, and are the following: the player should say 'our smiling lady brings luck to the world', and the player should sit down, and wait 12 seconds, and then all others will say 'bright smiling lady tymora', and wait 40 seconds, and then you will automatically say 'life is short. live it as tymora means it to be lived!', and wait 12 seconds, and then all others will say 'dare all, and trust in the lady.', and wait 12 seconds, and then you will automatically say 'defy!', and wait 4 seconds, and then all will say 'dare much.'.

About this deity



Known Shrines

Shrines to Tymora where priests may perform services are located in: