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Administrator                                                  Builder                                                              Player
=CoffeeMUD Administrator Information=
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CoffeeMUD provides flexibility in determining which builders have access to which systems within the MUD. The Archon's Guide security section has more details on setting up security groups.

Managing Security Permissions

Security groups can be created and managed through the coffeemud.ini settings or through the MUD Grinder Control Panel Security tab.

Assigning Users Security Permissions

To assign a user a security permission (also known as a security group), MODIFY USER (username) and edit their Securities field. You can also edit the user from the Player Manager editor in the MUD Grinder. Multiple security permissions or security groups may be added to a single user in a comma-delimited list in this field. Remember that the name of the group is the part AFTER the word "GROUP_". So, for example, the name of the group defined by the entry GROUP_SUBOP is actually SUBOP.

