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=CoffeeMUD Builder Information=
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=Ships and Other Navigable Boardables=
Airships     Castles     Caravans     Sailing Ships     Submersibles    

Ships, Castles and Caravans (and other items in the future) are a special group of items called GenNavigableBoardable. These items, at there base, are a GenPortal connected to a collection of rooms in a specially created area that have a distinct behavioral difference than other areas. These items have their own special combat system (usable against other GenNavigableBoardables.

  • GenSailingShips are special portals connected to a series of rooms with special SAILING commands. GenSailingShips can be purchased, sold, and traded like Property(CoffeeMUD). GenSailingShips may only travel over water with an underwater room below the current room, or into port rooms.
  • GenCastles are special portables connected to a series of rooms. Unlike other GenNavigableBoardables, GenCastles do not have special directions and cannot move. GenCastles may only be created by a clan that controls the area the castle is being built in.
  • GenCaravans are special portals connected to a series of rooms with special DRIVING commands. GenCaravans can be purchased, sold, and traded like Property(CoffeeMUD). GenCaravans may only travel over plains, roads, ports, and large caves.


  • A GenNavigableBoardable is not registered as an area until the room containing it is saved or it is generated through a skill.
    • If you create a new ship/castle/caravan and give it to a player, it will disappear upon cleanup if unattended, or upon reboot if you do not first save it to a room.
    • The internal area of a GenNavigableBoardable is not instantiated after an import until the item is modified by a builder.