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CoffeeMUD |
Administrator Builder Player |
=CoffeeMUD Player Information= | |||
Basics | Info Commands Socials Combat Groups | Character | Stats Races Classes Abilities Expertises Achievements |
World | Deities Areas Property Quests Clans Triumphs | Items | Items Crafting Ships |
==Abilities== |
Chants Common Skills Languages Prayers Skills Songs Spells Thief Skills |
Trapping Skill
Trapping Thief Skill
- AutoCaltrops
- Caltrops
- Dazzling Caltrops
- Death Trap
- Disabling Caltrops
- Improved Caltrops
- Lay Minor Traps
- Lay Traps
- Make Bombs
- Set Alarm
- Set Timer
- Slick Caltrops