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CoffeeMud Version (3.1.1)

Released on Mar 22, 2002

  1. Item Height is new, and Armor height now affects wearability
  2. Drinkable Items now distinguish Material from Liquid Type
  3. New items: GenBed, Bed, GenChair, Chair
  4. Rideable items have configurable UI (state string, etc)
  5. New commands: vassals, enter, playerkill
  6. Can now switch targets during combat
  7. New Spells: Meteor Storm, Demon Gate, Summon Flyer, Awe, Confusion, Mana Burn, Enthrall, Forget, Frailty
  8. The Portal spell now creates a gate instead of teleporting
  9. New Spells: Lighten Item, Lower Resists, Permanency, Mind Fog, Tourettes, Laughter, Hunger, Summon Enemy
  10. New Spells: Dismissal, Wall of Darkness, Wall of Force, Wall of Ice, Blink, Wall of Fire, Wall of Air
  11. New Spells: Ice Sheet, Stinking Cloud,
  12. New Properties: Prop_ItemTransporter, Prop_NoPKill, Prop_ReqPKill, Prop_Invisibility, Prop_Hidden
  13. New Properties: Prop_ReqLevels, Prop_ReqRaces, Prop_ReqCapacity, Prop_ReqClasses, Prop_ReqAlignments
  14. New Properties: Prop_ReqNoMOB, Prop_StatTrainer, Prop_ItemTransReceiver
  15. New Skills: Skill_TwoWeaponFighting, Skill_Distract, Skill_Trip, Ranger_FindWater
  16. New Behaviors: ROMPatrolman, Vagrant, ROMGangMember, AntiVagrant, Beggar, GateGuard,
  17. Rideable items can now be sat on, slept on, or sat At
  18. Races now have ranges of weights, and heights by race
  19. New Locales: UnderSaltWater, SaltWaterSurface
  20. Watery Locales are now Drinkables