Build 4.6.10

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CoffeeMud Version 4.6.10

Released on Dec 12, 2004 6:27 AM

There is a new INI entry "MUDTHEME" which everyone MUST include in their on INI files and set to "1". Other than that, it serves no purpose as of yet... it's just a placeholder for features that exist merely as pipe-dreams.

Those features which are not pipe-dreams are listed below:

  1. Improved docs for the new databases, thanks Mathew
  2. New StdItems DeckOfCards, PlayingCard -- just say "shuffle" to it
  3. MXP additions: Better exit, clanlist, channels, quest support, room and user list support
  4. GenPortals can now be designated to appear as "exits" in a room. See the Archon's Guide for more info on the new fields. GenPortals now implement the Exit interface also -- the consequences of that are as yet unclear, but could include some unexpected surprises.
  5. Internal: 10-directions stubbed in. All that's left is for someone to code the commands and call Directions.ReInitialize. Some extra coding is likely required, but at least there's a basis for others to play with.
  6. Better Smaug Scriptable support in IMPORT command.
  7. Magic Items now explode when they burn up.
  8. Pottery common skill can now make bricks. heh. :)
  9. New command: CLOAK -- wizinv without being unseen (still can't be seen on WHO, etc)
  10. Sessions and Where now included as cloaked. Higher or equal levels with CLOAK or WIZINV security flag can now see the lower.
  11. FROM syntax now in GET/PUT/etc.. commands for containers (get x from y)
  12. New spell: Scatter -- great for quests. :)
  13. I3 Targeted EMOTES now implemented (not really a bug since it was really never there)
  14. Public web page: Channel backlogs feature implemented. Two supporting WebMacros came with it.
  15. Diseases now come with difficulty levels which require higher level clerics to remove.