Build 4.0.9

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CoffeeMud Version 4.0.9

Released on Oct 16, 2003 5:35 AM

  1. Much more flexible character class editor part of the player editor from the command line. (modify playername)
  2. New Scriptable trigger: BRIBE_PROG
  3. New Scriptable command: BREAK
  4. More very important enhancements/bug fixes to the import *.are feature (the feature that lets us import rom/madrom/icey/circle/smaug/etc.. areas.
  5. New player death method on the ini file: ASTRAL. The player, to continue, must be resurrected with either the song of rebirth, or the prayer raise dead.
  6. Several new spells, most of them new "mass" spell, as well as fatigue, detect traps, and shockshield.
  7. New Behaviors: RandomTeleporter to make a mob that zaps around. Also RandomTraps to set random traps around an area.
  8. Yes, CombatAbilities (and by extension Clericness, Mageness, etc) was very broken. But it's fixed now.
  9. Several new races..
  10. Another new INI entry: PAGEBREAK for allowing global pause/page breaks for players. An individual player-setting for this feature will have to wait, however.
  11. New Deity trigger: reading (duh!! how did I miss this one?!?!)
  12. Grid rooms (GridLocales) will now link to other grids more intelligently.
  13. New StdJournal flag: PRIVATE to allow private-only journals.
  14. New Archon command: STAT
  15. Old Archon command TRANSFER now has new functionality.
  16. LIST SUBOPS will now list your area archons
  17. Area help is now more friendly to those trying to type for it.
  18. MUDGrinder map editor is now multi-level. Thanks Jeremy!
  19. For all zapper checks (all those properties/behaviors/whatever that allows masks), there is now +NAMES, +CLANS, and -CLANS to mask for clan membership.
  20. MOBTeacher behavior will now allow percentages.
  21. Prop_StatTrainer will now allow individual stat settings.
  22. Prop_Doppleganger will create mobs whose level reflects its enemies
  23. New Common Skill: Lacquerring
  24. Numerous old damage-based spells rebalanced for level.