Build 5.9.11

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CoffeeMud Version 5.9.11

Released Feb 20th, 2021

  1. a(n) is now official filter syntax for a/an
  2. Shutdown command now supports AT syntax to set a RL time certain.
  3. Languages now support a translation ID to assist shopkeepers with slang languages.
  4. New Locale: ShoreGrid
  5. Amputation can be done to player followers, with their permission.
  6. Look can now target items in open containers
  7. Prop_*Adjuster now supports ABLEPROFS and ABLELVLS, and will give log errors in arguments
  8. Socials now support qualifying zappermasks to use the social
  9. WILLQUALIFY now supports NOx syntax to filter OUT things.
  10. Building skills: exits now support exit descriptions, with @x1 to substitute next room display.
  11. GenAbility now supports customizable Target Fail message
  12. Player visitation is now tracked in the most recent instanced area, but still not saved to db.
  13. New faction change events: DYING, AREAEXPLORE, AREAASS, AREAKILL, and flag: RESTIME, and parm: WITHIN
  14. New misc ability: InstanceArea, for creating modified instances out of existing areas
  15. New achievement type: INSTANCEEXPIRE - for tying an achievement to having been in an instance
  16. ShopKeepers, et al can each of their own unique currency setting
  17. Scriptable MPGSET, STAT, etc.. now supports MAX char states (MAXHITS, etc)
  18. Achievements now support expiration/duration.
  19. More new faction change events: all coffeemud message (CMMsg) types.
  20. New Thief Skills: Mask Faith, False Faith, Graverobbing, Repurpose Text, Whiplash
  21. New Prayers: Deplete Scroll, Attune Scroll, Empower Scroll, Tongues, Fluency, Sense Devotion
  22. Zappermasks now support +-WEEK, +-DAYOFYEAR, +-YEAR, +-WEEKOFYEAR, and X or Y or Xnd Y syntax
  23. New injury system: Scarring
  24. New Prayers: Empower Shield, Read Language, Store Prayer, Lesser Warding Glyph, Deflect Prayer
  25. New Thief skills: Borrow Boon, Unearth Demography, Digsite, False Service, Blend In, Sense Digs
  26. Zappermasks now support +-OR to introduce separate conditions
  27. Deities can now be picked at char creation, see DEITYPOLICY in ini file or M.G. control panel
  28. Many GREET style Scriptable triggers now support zapper masks instead of pct chance
  29. Scriptable has new GROUP_GREET_PROG for greetings that trigger at most once per tick.
  30. New Prayers: Deplete Relic, Attune Relic, Empower Relic, Transfer Bane, Release Prayer, Transfer Boon
  31. New Skills: Whiplash, Research Item, Research Region Map, AutoHammerRing, Befoul Shrine
  32. New Prayers: Improved Warning Glyph, Sense Parish, Reflect Prayer, Amplify Unholy Weapon
  33. New Prayers: Empower Holy Weapon, Empower Sacred Weapon, Imbue Shield, Share Boon, Empower Just Weapon
  34. New Thief skills: Heroic Reflexes, Condemn Mark, Steal Boon, Whip Strip, Incite Divine Feud
  35. New Prayers: Empower Unjust Weapon, Empower Modest Weapon, Greater Warding Glyph, Find Sacred Item
  36. New Prayers: Empower Holy Weapon, Empower Unholy Weapon, Empower Sacred Weapon, Protect Sacred Item
  37. New Prayers: Imbue Holy Weapon, Imbue Unholy Weapon, Umbue Sacred Weapon, Imbue Just Weapon
  38. New Prayers: Imbue Foul Weapon, Imbue Modest Weapon, Protect Item, Sacred Imbuing Quest
  39. The AS and AT commands now support PLAYERS to do things as or at all the players online.
  40. GMODIFY now has PLAYERS option to alter/scan all players. Dang, this command is dangerous.
  41. MOTD command can now be used to set motd.txt file, which is also now deleted every day.
  42. New random quest template category: auto, for making quests w/o quest givers.
  43. New mood: reflective
  44. Factions can now be set as being non-inheritable by children
  45. New prayers: Planar Pilgrimage, Sense Resistances, Protection from Bless
  46. New Thief skills: Use Potion, Case Joint
  47. New class: Reliquist
  48. Builder version of OUTFIT can now be targeted, and give metacrafted gear
  49. Std/Gen Languages can now be marked as natural to differentiate human from encryption/animal sounds
  50. New user config: NOREPROMPT -- for getting new prompts only when user input received
  51. New fighter skill: Stance.
  52. Fighters lose wand use, Rangers swap wands for shards, Paladins wands for relics.
  53. Several exotic (elemental/golem) races were balanced a bit, for transmutation purposes.
  54. Racial transformations via magic will undo previous char stat changes and apply new ones correctly.
  55. Two new INI entries: EFFECTCAP (cap effects), and EFFECTCXL (which is complicated, related to XP).
  56. New Clan Item type: GenClanSailorsCap, allowing clans to assign ship captains at will.
  57. New achievement type: SKILLPROF for becoming proficient, DECONSTRUCTING for learning recipes
  58. Wealth now shows bank balances