Build 5.9.10

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CoffeeMud Version 5.9.10

Released Jun 16th, 2020

  1. Wands/etc have enchant type as a restriction, WandMaking/StaffMaking/Rodsmithing support.
  2. New PLAYERDEATH option: RETAIN -- to allow player mobs to keep their items on death.
  3. Scriptable GSTAT now supports BASESTRENGTH, BASEDEXTERITY, etc.. and BASEDAMAGE, etc..
  4. New skills: Shard Use, Relic Use, Light Placebo, Placebo, Krakenform, Planar Tactics
  5. New prayers: enchant relic, recharge relic, read prayer, clarify prayer, planar plague
  6. New chants: Enchant Shards, Recharge Shards, Read Runes, Refresh Runes, Fishy Fecundity
  7. New songs: Restore Music, Enchant Instrument, Recharge Instrument, Read Music, Saudade
  8. New questmaker templates: competitive/normal_collect5, competitive/normal_delivery4, normal/travel4
  9. Crafting skills can now list recipes by level range, eg list 5-, list -5, list 10-20
  10. New disable flags: AUTOMOODS, DIS955RULE
  11. New Scriptable triggers: CAST_PROG and CASTING_PROG
  12. New questmaker templates: normal_dispel1
  13. New achievement field: VISIBLEMASK
  14. Prop_RoomDark/Lit now support HOURS argument.
  15. New climate type: VOID, for disabling weather locally
  16. New domain types: indoor seaport, cave seaport
  17. New locales: Void, CaveSeaPort, WoodSeaPort
  18. New generic skill type: GenGatheringSkill, with CL and MudGrinder support
  19. Quest engine now supports saved generic abilities, ability groups, etc
  20. Game Builders Guide updated for writing MOBPROG for quests, and new quest fields
  21. New item StdQuestBoard/GenQuestBoard for a new way to accept quests.
  22. New property: Prop_QuestGiver for quests from rooms, items, areas, etc.
  23. New expertise: Energist, replaces old Airelist. New Airelist is for gas attacks.
  24. Added crime tracking to statistics, and support in stats and mudgrinder
  25. ShopKeepers (of all stripes) now have a View Types/Flags field to control VIEW cmd.
  26. Grinder Area editor now includes Mobs and Items editors.
    1. Grinder area editor now includes a Tree selector for Areas
  27. New Planar reactions/faction, new eliteing system for planes. See planesofexistence.txt
  28. New achievement type: AREAVISIT
  29. Planes of Existence have categories, opposed plans, and can now be edited from CL and MudGrinder.
  30. New spells: Imprisonment, Planarmorph Self, Planarmorph, Improved Planarmorph, Planar Block
  31. The hit point/mana/move colors will now go yellow < 50% and red < 25%.
  32. When coming off AFK, the system will now mention any missed Tells.
  33. New spells: Planar Bubble, Planar Timer, Planar Extension, Planar Banish, Planar Burst
  34. Siplet and MUDGrinder and fakedb now supports UTF-8
  35. Crafting recipes can now include behaviors as well as effects.
  36. New spells: Planar Distortion, Improved Planar Distortion, Find Planar Familiar, Planar Ward
  37. EXAMINE can now see clothing layers with sufficient level and int.
  38. New spells: True Name, Planar Enthrall
  39. New prayers: maligned portal, benigned portal, elemental portal
  40. New chants: planar link, planar adaptation
  41. New skills: Cosmic Adaptation, Planar Enemy, Planar Veteran