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CoffeeMUD |
Administrator Builder Player |
=CoffeeMUD Builder Information= | |||
Basics | Praetor Player Support Commands Zapper Masks | Advanced | Races Classes Abilities Socials Scripting |
Building | Behaviors Properties Areas Rooms Exits Items Mobs | Systems | Achievements Crafting Help Info Ships Planes of Existence Quests Triumphs |
===InstantDeath=== | |
Targets: | MOBs, Items, Rooms, Areas |
Parameters: | mask, min, max ticks, and a percent chance |
Examples: | min=10 max=20 chance=75 mask="-RACE +ORC" |
Description: | According to the timing and percent chance described by the parameters, the item owner with this behavior will be killed. MOBs and Rooms with this behavior will kill all their inhabitants. MOBs do not kill until attacked, food when eaten, drinks when sipped items when they are picked up, weapons when they are first wielded, or armor when it is first worn. Rooms merely need to be entered.
See AHELP ZAPPERMASK, where allowed is killed, and disallowed is spared. |