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Crafting Basics

CoffeeMUD has a diverse crafting system that covers many aspects of the game. Crafting items generally requires resources that are collected with gathering skills. Once items are crafted, they can be modified from a subset of common skills to provide some aesthetics, or enhanced with a variety of magical abilities. There are three general groupings of skills related to crafting

  • Gathering skills - These skills are required to find raw resources throughout the world.
  • Crafting skills - These skills all produce an item from resources.
  • Building skills - These skills are required to modify player-owned property, and often require resources or money to complete.

Many recipes will have multiple words in the recipe name. It is always best to put quotes around the "item name" when issuing your crafting or building commands.


Resources are normally acquired with Gathering skills, although other methods (such as buying, scrapping or finding them laying around) are possible. Gathering skills include mining, butchering, foraging and many, many more.

  • Resources can be harvested from wilderness rooms, and (very rarely) some indoor rooms.
  • There are some tools that improve your overall yield per skill use, but one can gather without any tools at all.
  • At higher levels, there are master gathering skills, which further increase the yield, but take longer to complete.
  • The time spent gathering can be decreased with the Quick Worker expertises.

Crafting Items

Items are crafted with Crafting skills. Each skill has a basic list of items that can be crafted, in addition to any LEARNED recipes transcribed to a recipe page or recipe book, or any found recipes from the MUDworld. In order for a learned or found recipe to appear in your skill list, the recipe must be in your inventory, and not inside a container in your inventory.

Crafting Skill Commands

These commands are common to all crafting skills:


  • LIST supports a variety of parameters. Without any parameters, it displays all recipes you can currently craft.
    • LIST (item name) - Will show all items with the string provided in (item name). For example, LIST VEST would show anything called a vest, hardened vest or vestments.
    • LIST (level range) - Will show all recipes within a particular level range in the format of X-Y, where X is the lower limit and Y is the upper limit.
    • LIST (wear location) - This undocumented feature works MOST of the time. This is useful for identifying everything word in a location, such as HEAD, TORSO, or LEFT WRIST. Use the locations from your EQUIP LONG command.
  • LIST will show all recipes from the generic skill list, as well as any recipes you have in your base inventory.
    • Recipe books inside containers in your inventory will not be shown on your LIST
      • Some containers may allow you to access contents of the container from your inventory, which would be an exception to the above statement.
    • LIST will only list recipes of your level or lower, so if you learn a recipe that is above your level (or have it transcribed, or otherwise added to your recipe book), it will not display that recipe until your level is equal to or greater than the recipe level.


  • If you desire to see the stats of an item before crafting it, you can use the command (craftingskillname) INFO (crafteditem) to get basic information on the item assuming normal quality materials.
  • You may use other parameters, such as modifiers from expertises or the FROM parameter, to provide information on a specified recipe with those parameters.


  • You can quickly view what items you can repair on a target with the (craftingskillname) SCAN (targetname, or no targetname for self).


  • A crafting skill can be used to fix any damaged (but not completely ruined) of the appropriate type (IE, metal armor can be repaired with armorsmithing, leather armor with leatherworking).
    • This command is only available with crafting skills that produce items that can be damaged (weapons and armor).


  • A crafting skill can be used to resize armor of the appropriate type.
    • This command is only available with crafting skills that produce items that can be worn.


  • A crafting skill can be used to LEARN how to make any existing item in the MUDworld with the (craftingskillname) LEARN (targetitem) command.
    • This will deconstruct (destroy) the item, provided you have a blank recipe page or recipe book with available space in your inventory.
    • A magical item must be disenchanted first before you can LEARN it.
    • An item crafted by another craftsman cannot be used to LEARN it.
    • The level of the crafted item may not be the same as the original item. The system will calculate the items approximate level value, which may not be the same as the level value assigned by the builder. This will never result in the recipe being a lower level, but can result in a recipe being significantly higher level than the original item. Once the recipe is learned, it can be modified by material type and any crafting expertises to create more diversity in the item.
    • The resultant recipe will be unique to that LEARNING attempt.
      • You must be holding the completed learned recipe to craft a new item.
      • You could pass your copy of the recipe to another artisan, and they could recreate the item using that recipe.
        • If you drop that recipe, and re-LEARN the item onto a different recipe page, you may get different material requirements.
  • A learned crafting recipe of an item that the crafter cannot see will result in the crafter failing to craft the final product (which they can't see to finish crafting).


  • Many crafting skills now have the ability to specify a material type to use that is available in the room.
    • Without specifying this parameter, crafting skills will normally accept the first valid material type in the room as your default material to craft from, even if there is not enough of that material to make your specified item.
  • This parameter may be used in conjunction with the INFO parameter.
    • Some special materials, especially uncommmon smelted or textiled materials, may not be available with the FROM parameter.

Other Crafting Tips

  • Certain resources will produce different affects for certain crafting skills. For example, STEEL will make stronger armor (and increase the level of the armor) from armorsmithing...but will create the same level of necklace from JEWELCRAFTING.
  • Crafted armor can benefit from Durable Crafting, Quality Crafting and Light Crafting expertises. Each of these expertises has 3 levels. Each level allows a different adjective to be prefixed to the armor. Each armor may have at most one prefix from each of these expertises.
  • Crafted weapons can benefit from Lethal Crafting, Quality Crafting and Light Crafting expertises. Each of these expertises has 3 levels. Each level allows a different adjective to be prefixed to the armor. Each armor may have at most one prefix from each of these expertises.
  • The time spent crafting can be decreased with the Quick Crafting expertises.
  • You will have difficulties crafting in a room affected by Faerie Fog.
  • When crafting items to be enchanted, it is often best to craft the basic item, enchant it, then apply any additional affects from dyeing, lacquering, embroidering, engraving or jewelmaking.
    • If you add engraving text, the item will no longer be available for Magic Item until you disenchant it.

Crafting Troubleshooting

  • If you have multiple items with similar or same names in your crafting list, try using the TAILOR LIST HAT.1 nomenclature to isolate which recipe you want to prepare from your list.
  • A crafter may only make items up to their total character level. If you learn a recipe that is higher level, it will not appear in your LIST for that ability until you reach the appropriate level.

Artisan Bonus Experience

The Artisan class gains experience for crafting items based on the final level of the item crafted, and the base time required to craft the item.

  • Final level of crafted items may be modified by the material type of the item, depending upon crafting skill.
  • Final level of crafted items may be modified by the Advanced Crafting expertise (or Advanced Cooking in the case of food).
  • The base time required to craft an item is affected by the recipe and any expertise which modifies the name of the item, such as Quality Crafting type expertises, but not by the Quick Worker type of expertises.
  • Abilities which reduce crafting time, such as Tempo, do not reduce the XP an artisan earns for crafting the item.
  • The number of times the artisan has recently produced a particular item reduces the XP gained by 25% per item of that base type in the past 6 crafting successful items in that skill.


Players who own property may stylize it with a variety of Building skills. Property includes rented rooms, owned rooms, sailing ships, clan rooms, and clan sailing ships. In order to modify clan property, you must have the appropriate rank within the clan.

Room Title

When changing the room title (not the ownership paper, but the room name), there are a variety of non-traditional tricks one may use to customize it.

  • You can add an intentional carriage return using the %0D or \n line breaks.
  • You can use any of the color codes within the title. It is always best to end each color group with a ^? to avoid color bleed.
  • You can use a <VARIES> tag followed by a <code>.</code>. See VARIES for more information using this feature.