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Resources are raw materials for crafting, and can often be gathered in the world with the appropriate abilities. While there are a set amount of resources coded, it is possible to create resource subtypes dynamically. A recipe may use a subtype as a specific requirement or as a substitution for the main type. For example, if GREENS is a GenResource, and SPINACH is a subtype of GREENS, then SPINACH would satisfy any recipe calling for SPINACH (specifically) or GREENS (substitution of main type).


GenResources transfer their properties to items crafted from that material. This is a special function of a GenResource, and not a function of crafting, so crafting an item from a GenItem with the same name as a GenResource is possible, but the GenItem won't transfer its properties like a GenResource will.

Modifying GenResources

Command Line

  • Name: This is the name of the resource. The name should be in the following format:
      • a pound of [resource name]
    • In the event of a bundled resource, the format should be one of the following:
      • a(n) [quantity number]# [resource name] bundle
      • a(n) [quantity number]# [resource name] ore bundle
  • Display: This is the short display text shown in a room. It is normally just the name appended with "is here."
  • Description: A description of the resource. Most basic resources use: "It's just [resource name]."
  • Level: This is normally set to 1, unless there is something very special about the resource that prevents low level characters from carrying.
  • Secret Identity: Normally blank. This field is used by a variety of abilities for special encoding.
  • Material Type: This is the Environmental Resource type of material. Use LIST ENVRESOURCES to see a complete, set list of material types.
  • Rsc Sub-Type: This can be any string. It will become the [resource name] of any bundling of this material, and will only be bundlable with other materials of this material type and sub-string with the same properties.
  • Item states: These toggleable parameters determine basic item parameters
    • Is Gettable: True indicates the item may be picked up, False means it cannot be picked up (including by archons).
    • Is Droppable: True indicates the item may be dropped or sold.
    • Is Removable: True means the item may be removed from a wear location. GenResources are not generally worn, but this does affect the HELD location, and can be transferred to items crafted from this material. Remove Curse temporarily sets this to TRUE.
    • Non-Locatable: True indicates the item cannot be found using abilities that would normally detect its presence.
    • Blend Display: True indicates that the item's display is blended into the room description. FALSE is default, with the item being displayed in the section list with other items.
  • Item is readable: True indicates this item has a separate "Assigned Read Text:" field (below).
  • Assigned Read Text: When the READ command is used on the item, this field's entry will be displayed.
  • Rejuv/Pct: When in a room, this is the number of ticks before the item respawns after it has been removed from the room. In a mob's inventory, this is the percentage chance of it NOT appearing in the MOB's inventory upon mob spawning.
  • Magical Ability: This is a bonus modifier that affects the materials hardness, damage and attack modifiers for weapons made from this material, and armor modifiers for armor made of this material. If this value is not 0, then the builder should also set the isMagical disposition (below), indicating the magical nature of this resource.
  • Uses Remaining: '2147483647'.
  • Base Value: This is the cost of the resource per pound.
  • Weight: This is the weight of the resource.
  • Dispositions: This list of special modifiers determines the state of the resource.
    • Is invisible: True indicates that the item is invisible (magically concealed).
    • Is hidden: True indicates that the item is hidden (mundanely concealed).
    • Is never seen: True indicates that the item is programmatically concealed and undetectable/unusable by players.
    • Is magical: True indicates that the resource gives off a magical aura.
    • Is glowing: Indicates that the item can be seen in the dark and is a heat source. Many materials will burn up after a time of glowing/burning.
    • Is a light source: Indicates that the item provides enough light to light up a room.
    • Is flying: Indicates that the item is not attached to the floor. A flying item will not fall or sink on its own.
    • Is climbing: Indicates that the item is in transition of climbing (perhaps on the side of a tree or mountain?)
    • Is sleeping: I have no idea how to tell if a resource is sleeping, or what this would imply.
    • Is sitting: I have no idea how to tell if a resource is sitting, or what this would imply.
    • Is sneaking: The item does not make an announcement when it enters a room.
    • Is swimming: This disposition may be used to prevent an item from sinking.
    • Evil aura: True indicates that the resource gives off an evil aura.
    • Good aura: True indicates that the resource gives off a good aura.
    • Is unattackable: True indicates the item is not susceptible to attack.
  • Behaviors: This is a field of standard Behaviors.
  • Effects: This is a field of standard properties/ability effects. This is the only field that is transferred to a crafted item.
    • To transfer a disposition from a resource to a crafted item, use Prop_Adjuster with a flag of "dis+isglowing" (or whichever disposition).
  • MXP Image filename: This field is the file path to the MXP Image for this item.


