Category:Expertise(Extended In/Evoking)
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Pages in category "Expertise(Extended In/Evoking)"
The following 53 pages are in this category, out of 53 total.
- Spell AcidFog
- Spell Blademouth
- Spell ChainLightning
- Spell Cloudkill
- Spell ContinualLight
- Spell Darkness
- Spell Delay
- Spell DestroyObject
- Spell DetonateBombs
- Spell Disenchant
- Spell DisenchantWand
- Spell Disintegrate
- Spell DispelDivination
- Spell DispelMagic
- Spell Dragonfire
- Spell Earthquake
- Spell ElementalStorm
- Spell Fireball
- Spell Flameshield
- Spell FloatingDisc
- Spell ForcefulHand
- Spell ForkedLightning
- Spell Frost
- Spell GreaterLevitate
- Spell GustOfWind
- Spell HelpingHand
- Spell IceLance
- Spell IceStorm
- Spell Ignite
- Spell KineticPulse
- Spell Knock
- Spell Levitate
- Spell Light
- Spell Lighthouse
- Spell Lightning
- Spell LimbRack
- Spell MassDisintegrate
- Spell NetherVeil
- Spell PlanarBurst
- Spell Pocket
- Spell Portal
- Spell PortalOther
- Spell ProduceFlame
- Spell PurgeInvisibility
- Spell Scribe
- Spell Shield
- Spell ShockingGrasp
- Spell Shockshield
- Spell Shove
- Spell StinkingCloud
- Spell WardArea
- Spell Web
- Spell WebTouch