Category:Expertise(Power Transmuting)
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Pages in category "Expertise(Power Transmuting)"
The following 47 pages are in this category, out of 47 total.
- Spell AddLimb
- Spell BigMouth
- Spell Blindness
- Spell CauseStink
- Spell ChangeSex
- Spell Clog
- Spell Clone
- Spell DarkSensitivity
- Spell DeadenSmell
- Spell Deafness
- Spell Delude
- Spell Enlightenment
- Spell FleshStone
- Spell Fly
- Spell GiantStrength
- Spell GraceOfTheCat
- Spell Grow
- Spell Hungerless
- Spell ImprovedPlanarmorph
- Spell ImprovedPolymorph
- Spell IronGrip
- Spell LedFoot
- Spell LightSensitivity
- Spell MageClaws
- Spell MassFly
- Spell MassWaterbreath
- Spell Misstep
- Spell Mute
- Spell Planarmorph
- Spell PlanarmorphSelf
- Spell Polymorph
- Spell PolymorphSelf
- Spell Shrink
- Spell ShrinkMouth
- Spell Sonar
- Spell Stoneskin
- Spell Thirstless
- Spell Toadstool
- Spell Transformation
- Spell WaterBreathing
- Spell Weaken
- Spell WeaknessAcid
- Spell WeaknessCold
- Spell WeaknessElectricity
- Spell WeaknessFire
- Spell WeaknessGas
- Spell Youth