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This page has the current (as of 3/16/2019) output of LIST ABILITIES WIKI command from the Official CoffeeMUD. It is highly recommended when using any of the CoffeeMUD LIST WIKI commands that you save your results to a log file for easy cut and paste.
- Do NOT add a wiki page for the generic abilities. Keeping them unlinked makes it easier to see them when they appear in other lists that we don't want them to be in (such as the domain lists).
Command Variations
- LIST ABILITIES WIKI will output ALL abilities as a wiki list.
- LIST SKILLS WIKI will output all skill-type abilities as a wiki list.
- LIST COMMON WIKI will output all common skill-type abilities as a wiki list.
- LIST THIEF WIKI will output all thief skill-type abilities as a wiki list.
- LIST SPELLS WIKI will output all spell-type abilities as a wiki list.
- LIST SONG WIKI will output all song-type abilities as a wiki list.
- LIST PRAYER WIKI will output all prayer-type abilities as a wiki list.
- LIST CHANT WIKI will output all chant-type abilities as a wiki list.
You can also do domain lists by adding the domain name:
- LIST ABILITIES BINDING WIKI will output all abilities in the binding domain.
- LIST SKILLS BINDING WIKI will output all skill-type abilities in the binding domain.
- a Bard Skill
- a bomb
- A Cure
- a Dance
- a Druidic Chant
- a language
- a pk corpse loot only property
- a Prayer
- a Property
- a Property
- a Property
- A Smell
- a Song
- a song played
- a Spell
- a Super Power
- A Tattoo
- A TattooAdder
- a Tech Skill
- a Thief Skill
- a Thin Ability
- a Trap!
- Abandon Ship
- Abiding Aura
- Ability Immunity
- Ability to set Price/Retainability of a pet.
- Above The Law
- Absorb Damage
- Absorption
- Accompaniment
- Accuse
- Achilles Armor
- Acid Arrow
- acid burst bomb
- Acid Fog
- Acid Healing
- acid pit
- Acid Rain
- Acid Spray
- acid spray
- Acid Ward
- Acidbreath
- Ad Lib
- Add Limb
- Addictions
- Additional Damage
- Adjust combat stats
- Adjusting stats when used
- Adjustments to stats
- Adjustments to stats when here
- Adjustments to stats when owned
- Adjustments to stats when ridden
- Adjustments to stats when worn
- Adoption
- Adorable
- Advancement
- Age
- Aids
- Air Wall
- Airy Aura
- Airyform
- Alarm
- Alchemy
- Alcohol
- Alertness
- Alignment Limitations
- All Breathing
- All Defence
- All Room/Exit Limitations
- Allergies
- Alligator Speak
- Allows an item to be bound to player, account, or clan.
- Alter Substance
- Alter Time
- Alternate Reality
- Alzheimers
- Ambush
- Amnesia
- Amputation
- an ability
- an ability
- an ability
- an ability
- An Antidote
- an Archon Skill
- Analyze Item
- Analyze Mark
- Anchor
- Anemia
- Anger
- Animal Bonding
- Animal Companion
- Animal Frenzy
- Animal Friendship
- Animal Growth
- Animal Husbandry
- Animal Speak
- Animal Spirit
- Animal Spy
- Animal Taming
- Animal Trading
- Animal Training
- Animate Dead
- Animate Ghast
- Animate Ghost
- Animate Ghoul
- Animate Item
- Animate Mummy
- Animate Skeleton
- Animate Spectre
- Animate Vampire
- Animate Weapon
- Animate Zombie
- Annul
- Anosmia
- Ant Train
- Anthrax
- Anti Plant Shell
- Anti Undead Field
- Apathy
- Ape Speak
- Apothecary
- Appraise
- Aquan
- Aquatic Pass
- Arcane Mark
- Arcane Possession
- Armor
- Armor Familiarity
- Armor Specialization
- Armor Tweaking
- Armorsmithing
- Arms Length
- Arrest
- Arresting Sap
- Arsonry
- Arthritis
- Articles
- Artifact
- Artisanal Focus
- Assassinate
- Asthma
- Astral Projection
- Astral Spirit
- Astral Step
- Astro Engineering
- Atemi Strike
- Atonement
- Attribute Training
- Augury
- Aura of Fear
- Aura of Harm
- Aura of Healing
- Aura of Intolerance
- Aura of Strife
- Aura of the Divine Edict
- Auto purges items put into a container
- AutoBash
- AutoCaltrops
- AutoClimb
- AutoCrawl
- AutoDetect Traps
- AutoMark Traps
- AutoSneak
- AutoStack
- AutoSwim
- AutoSwipe
- avalanche
- Avatar
- Avoid Currents
- Avoid Traps
- Await Ship
- Awaken
- Awareness
- Awe
- Awe Other
- Ax Kick
- Axe Familiarity
- Axe Proficiency
- Axe Specialization
- Babble
- Back Hand
- Back Stab
- Background
- Bad Reputation
- Baiting
- Baking
- Ballad
- Ballet
- Bandaging
- Banish
- Banishment
- Bard Honorary Degree
- Barkskin
- Basse
- Bat Speak
- Battle Cry
- Battlehymn
- Bear Foraging
- Bear Speak
- bear trap
- Bee Sting
- Befriend
- Behead
- Behemoth
- Belay
- Belly Rolling
- Benediction
- Benigned Portal
- Berzerk
- Bestow Name
- Big Mouth
- BigCat Speak
- Bind
- Bird Speak
- Birds Eye
- Bite
- Blacksmithing
- Blade Barrier
- Blademouth
- Blah
- Blahs
- Blasting
- Blaze Chakra
- Bleeding
- Bless
- Bless Item
- Blessed Hearth
- Blessing
- Blight
- Blind
- Blind Fighting
- Blindness
- Blindness
- Blindsight
- Blink
- Bloat Bomb
- Blood Boil
- Blood Brother
- Blood Curse
- Blood Hearth
- Bloodhound
- Bloody Water
- Blow Steam
- Blue Moon
- Blues
- Blunt Weapon Familiarity
- Blunt Weapon Proficiency
- Blunt Weapon Specialization
- Blur
- Boatwrighting
- Body Flip
- Body Piercing
- Body Shield
- Body Toss
- Bone Moon
- Book Editing
- Book Loaning
- Book Naming
- boomerang
- Boulder Throwing
- Boulderbash
- boulders
- Bow Familiarity
- Bow Proficiency
- Bow Specialization
- Brainwash
- Branding
- Breadcrumbs
- Break
- Break A Leg
- Breakup Fight
- Bribe
- Brightening Aura
- Brittle
- Broken Limbs
- Brown Mold
- Buck
- Buffoonery
- BuildingSkill
- Bull Strength
- Bullrush
- Buried Treasure
- Burning
- Burning Hands
- Burrow Hide
- Burrowspeak
- Bury
- Butchering
- Butoh
- Butterfly
- Buy a room once, get all adjacent rooms free
- Cage
- Cage Building
- Call Companion
- Call Mate
- Call Mount
- Call Pirate Familiar
- Call Undead
- Called Shot
- Called Strike
- Calm
- Calm Animal
- Calm Seas
- Calm Weather
- Calm Wind
- Caltrops
- Camelback
- Camouflage
- Can't be camped on
- Can-Can
- Cancer
- Cannibalism
- Capacity Limitations
- Capoeira
- Capsize
- Careful Step
- Cargo Loading
- Carol
- Carpentry
- Carrier of Disease
- Cartwheel
- Cast Blocking
- Casting spells on oneself
- Casting spells when here
- Casting spells when owned
- Casting spells when properly used during combat
- Casting spells when ridden
- Casting spells when used
- Casting spells when used
- Casting spells when worn
- Cat Speak
- Cataloging
- Catch Projectile
- Cats Grace
- Cause Critical Wounds
- Cause Exhaustion
- Cause Fatigue
- Cause Light Wounds
- Cause Serious Wounds
- Cause Stink
- Cave Fishing
- Cave Tactics
- Cave-In
- cave-in
- Center of Attention
- Chain Lightning
- Chain Strike
- Change a rooms movement requirements
- Change Sex
- Change Weather
- Channel Neutralizing
- Channeled Missiles
- Chant Shield
- Chant Ward
- Chantcraft
- Char Stats Adjusted MOB
- Charge
- Charge Metal
- Charge!
- Charm
- Charm Animal
- Charm Area
- Charm Spell Neutralizing
- Charm Ward
- Cheetah Burst
- Chicken Speak
- Chimp Speak
- Chirurgy
- Chlamydia
- Chlorophyll
- Choke
- Christen
- Circle Parry
- Circle Trip
- Claireaudience
- Clairevoyance
- Clan Crafting
- Clan Donate
- Clan Equipment
- Clan Experience
- Clan Home
- Clan Ship Building
- Clan Ward
- ClanEnchant Acid
- ClanEnchant Cold
- ClanEnchant Disease
- ClanEnchant Electric
- ClanEnchant Fire
- ClanEnchant Gas
- ClanEnchant Mind
- ClanEnchant Paralysis
- ClanEnchant Poison
- ClanEnchant Water
- Clarify Prayer
- Clarify Scroll
- Clarinets
- Class Limitations
- Cleanliness
- Clear Moon
- Cleave
- Cleric Honorary Degree
- Climb
- Clog Dance
- Clog Mouth
- Clone
- Clone Chakra
- Closing Command
- Cloud Walk
- Cloudkill
- Clumsiness
- Cobbling
- Cogniportive
- Cold
- Cold Moon
- Cold Touch
- Cold Ward
- Collect Bounty
- Color Blindness
- Color Spray
- Combat Frenzy
- Combat Log
- Combat Precognition
- Combat Record
- Combat Repairs
- Combat Sleep
- Command
- Command Horse
- Common
- Common Skill
- Common Twister
- Commoner Honorary Degree
- Composting
- Comprehend Languages
- Comprehension
- Con
- Conceal Door
- Conceal Item
- Conceal Walkway
- Condemnation
- Conduct Symphony
- Confusion
- Conjure Ammunition
- Conjure Nexus
- Consecrate Land
- Construction
- Consume Corpse
- Contagion
- Contagious Giggles
- Contagious Smiles
- Contingent Visibility
- Continual Light
- Contract Hit
- Control Fire
- Control Plant
- Control Undead
- Control Weather
- Convert
- Conviction
- Cooking
- Copyright
- Corpse Walk
- Corruption
- Cosmic Adaptation
- Costuming
- Cotillon
- Counter-Attack
- Counter-Tracking
- Counterspell
- Coup de Grace
- Courante
- Cover Defence
- Cow Speak
- Craft Family Katana
- Craft Holy Avenger
- Crafting Skill
- Crafting Skill
- Create Food
- Create Idol
- Create Water
- Crescent Kick
- Critical Shot
- Critical Strike
- Crossbreed
- Crow's Nest
- crushing room
- Crystal Growth
- Cultural Adaptation
- Cure Blindness
- Cure Cannibalism
- Cure Critical Wounds
- Cure Deafness
- Cure Disease
- Cure Exhaustion
- Cure Fatigue
- Cure Light Wounds
- Cure Serious Wounds
- Cure Vampirism
- Curse
- Curse Flames
- Curse Item
- Curse Luck
- Curse Metal
- Curse Mind
- Curse Minds
- Curtain Call
- Cut Throat
- Cyclone Chakra
- Cymbals
- Dagger Defense
- Dagger Familiarity
- Dagger Proficiency
- Dagger Specialization
- Daily Bread
- Dampen Auras
- Dark Senses
- Darkening Aura
- Darkening Property
- darkfall
- Darkness
- Darkness Globe
- Darkvision
- Day/Night Visibility
- Daydream
- Dazzling Caltrops
- Dead Reckoning
- Deaden Smell
- Deafen
- Deafness
- Deafness
- Death
- Death Chakra
- Death Guard
- Death Knell
- Death Moon
- Death Trap
- Death Warning
- Deathfinger
- Deaths Door
- Decipher Script
- Decorating
- Decrepifier
- Deep Breath
- Deep Cut
- Deep Darkness
- deep pit
- Deep Thoughts
- Deer Speak
- Deflect Projectile
- Dehydrate
- Delay
- Delay Poison
- Delirium
- Delude
- Demon Gate
- Demonic Consumption
- Demonshield
- Den
- Deprecated Poison
- Depression
- Desecrate
- Desecrate Land
- Desert Tactics
- Designation
- Desperate Moves
- Destroy Object
- Detect Ambush
- Detect Gold
- Detect Hidden
- Detect Invisible
- Detect Magic
- Detect Metal
- Detect Poison
- Detect Scrying
- Detect Sentience
- Detect Traps
- Detect Traps
- Detect Undead
- Detect Water
- Detect Weaknesses
- Detection
- Devour Corpse
- Devourer Curse
- Dexterity
- Diabetes
- Diamond Chakra
- Diarrhea
- Different Room Can Watch
- Different Room View
- Diligent Studying
- Dirge
- Dirt
- Disabling Caltrops
- Disarm
- Disassemble Traps
- Discipline
- Disease
- Disease Immunity
- Disenchant
- Disenchant Wand
- Disguise
- Disguise Other
- Disguise Self
- Disguise Undead
- Disgust
- Disintegrate
- Dismissal
- Disown
- Dispel Chaos
- Dispel Divination
- Dispel Evil
- Dispel Good
- Dispel Law
- Dispel Magic
- Dispel Undead
- Dissertating
- Distant Fungal Growth
- Distant Growth
- Distant Ingrowth
- Distant Overgrowth
- Distant Vision
- Distant Wind Color
- Distilling
- Distract
- Distraction
- Ditty
- Divine Beauty
- Divine Constitution
- Divine Favor
- Divine Guidance
- Divine Luck
- Divine Perspective
- Divine Resistance
- Diving
- Divining Eye
- Divorce
- Dodge
- Dog Speak
- Domesticating
- Doom Aura
- Doomspout
- Doppleganger
- Draconic
- Dragonbreath
- Dragonfire
- Dragonsight
- Drain
- Drain Life
- Draw Treasure Map
- Dream
- Dream Feast
- Drifting
- Drilling
- Drone Chakra
- Drowish
- Drown
- Drug Cutting
- Druid Honorary Degree
- Druidic
- Druidic Connection
- Druidic Pass
- Drums
- Drunken
- Drunken Stupor
- Drunkenness
- Dual Parry
- Duck Speak
- Dueler
- Duplicate
- Dusty
- Dwarven
- Dyeing
- Eagle Eyes
- Eaglesight
- Earth to Mud
- Earthfeed
- Earthpocket
- Earthquake
- Earthshield
- Eczema
- Edged Weapon Familiarity
- Edged Weapon Proficiency
- Edged Weapon Specialization
- Eel Shock
- Eighth Totem
- Electric Healing
- electric shock
- Electric Strike
- Elemental Aid
- Elemental Portal
- Elemental Storm
- Elephant Speak
- Eleventh Totem
- Elvish
- Ember
- Embezzle
- Embroidering
- Emoting when used
- Emoting when used
- Empower Unholy Weapon
- Enchant Armor
- Enchant Arrows
- Enchant Clan Equipment Base Model
- Enchant Instrument
- Enchant Relic
- Enchant Shards
- Enchant Wand
- Enchant Weapon
- Encrypted Writing
- Encrypto
- Endless Hunger
- Endless Road
- Endurance
- Endure Rust
- Energize Chakra
- Energy Drain
- Enervate
- Engraving
- Enhance Body
- Enhanced Crafting Skill
- Enlarge Object
- Enlightenment
- Enrolling
- Enslave
- Ensnare
- Enthrall
- Entry Blade Trap
- Entry Gas Trap
- Entry Needle Trap
- Entry Pit Trap
- Entry Pit Trap
- Entry Spell Trap
- Entry Trap
- Erase Scroll
- Escape Bonds
- Espionage
- Etherealness
- Evesdrop
- Excavation
- Exhaustion
- Exit Stage Left
- Exit Trap
- explosive bomb
- Explosive Decompression
- Explosive Touch
- Extinguish
- Extra Data
- Fabricate
- Faerie Fire
- Faerie Fog
- Faithful HellHound
- Faithless
- Fake Armor
- Fake Food
- Fake Spring
- Fake Weapon
- Falling
- False Arrest
- Far Shot
- Farming
- Farsight
- Fast Slinging
- Fatigue
- Favorable Winds
- Favored Enemy 1
- Favored Enemy 2
- Favored Enemy 3
- Favored Enemy 4
- Fear
- Feather Fall
- Feeblemind
- Feed The Dead
- Feeding Frenzy
- Feel Cold
- Feel Electricity
- Feel Heat
- Feel Hunger
- Feel The Void
- Feign Death
- Feign Invisibility
- Feign Life
- Feint
- Fence Loot
- Feralness
- Fertile Cavern
- Fertility
- Fertilization
- Fertilize
- Fever
- Fey
- Fidelity
- Field Tactics
- Fierce Companions
- Fifth Totem
- Fighter Honorary Degree
- FighterSkill
- Filter Water
- Filth Fever
- Find Clan Home
- Find Clan Ship
- Find Directions
- Find Driftwood
- Find Familiar
- Find Familiar Property
- Find Gem
- Find Home
- Find Mate
- Find Ore
- Find Planar Familiar
- Find Plant
- Find Ship
- Find Water
- Fire Breathing
- Fire Building
- Fire Healing
- Fire Ward
- Fireball
- Firebreath
- Firebreather
- Fish Gills
- Fish Lore
- Fishing
- Fishy Fecundity
- Flagportation
- Flailed Weapon Familiarity
- Flailing Weapon Proficiency
- Flailing Weapon Specialization
- Flame Blast
- flame burst bomb
- Flame Weapon
- Flamenco
- Flameshield
- Flaming Arrows
- Flaming Ensnarement
- Flaming Sword
- Flank
- Flare Chakra
- Flay
- Fleas
- Flee
- Flesh Rock
- Flesh Stone
- Fletching
- Flight
- Flippers
- Floating Disc
- Flood
- flood room
- Floristry
- Flu
- Flutes
- Fly
- Fly Merchant Flag
- Flying
- Flying Kick
- Fodder Signal
- Food Begging
- Food Prep
- Food Preserving
- Fools Gold
- Foot Fungus
- Footlocks
- Foraging
- Forceful Hand
- Forces language speaking
- Forecast Weather
- Forest Tactics
- Forgery
- Forget
- Forgive
- Forked Lightning
- Fortify Food
- Fortress
- Foul Weather Sailing
- Fountain of Life
- Fourth Totem
- Fowl Speak
- Foxtrot
- Fragmentation
- Frailty
- Frame Mark
- Free Movement
- Free Vine
- Freedom
- Freeze
- Freeze Metal
- Frenzy
- Friends
- Friendship
- Frog Speak
- Frost
- Frost Bite
- Frostbreath
- Fungal Bloom
- Fungus Feet
- Fur Coat
- Future Death
- Gait
- Gangrene
- Gaol Food
- Gardening
- Gas Ward
- Gasbreath
- Gate
- Gateway
- Gathering Skill
- GatheringSkill
- Geas
- Gem Digging
- Genin Training
- Get Blade Trap
- Get Gas Trap
- Get Needle Trap
- Get Spell Trap
- Get Trap
- Ghost Chakra
- Ghost Sound
- Ghoultouch
- Giant Strength
- Gigantic
- Gills
- Give Life
- Gives a Quest
- Glass Blowing
- Globe
- Glowgell
- gluey
- Gnomish
- Goat Speak
- Goblin Drip
- Goblinese
- Godlight
- Godstrike
- Golem Form
- Gonorrhea
- Good training MOB
- Goodberry
- Goose Speak
- Gore
- Gouge
- Grace Of The Cat
- Graffiti
- Granting skills on arrival
- Granting skills when owned
- Granting skills when ridden
- Granting skills when worn/wielded
- Grapevine
- Grass
- Gravity Slam
- GravityFloat
- Grazing
- Grease
- greasy
- Great Curse
- GreatBird Speak
- Greater Enchant Armor
- Greater Enchant Weapon
- Greater Globe
- Greater Image
- Greater Invisibility
- Groin
- Group Status
- Group/Ordering Neutralizing
- Grove Walk
- Grow
- Grow Club
- Grow Food
- Grow Forest
- Grow Item
- Grow Oak
- Guardian Hearth
- Guildmaster
- Guitars
- Gust of Wind
- Haggle
- Half Attack
- Hammer Familiarity
- Hammer of Light
- Hammer Proficiency
- Hammer Specialization
- HammerRing
- Hamstring
- Hand to hand combat
- Handcuff
- Hard to Port
- Hard to Stern
- Harden Bullets
- Harden Skin
- Hardiness
- Harm
- Harmonicas
- Harmony
- Harps
- Has slots for enhancement items
- Haste
- Haunted
- Hawkeye
- Heal
- Heal Mount
- Heal Undead
- Healing Aura
- Healing Hands
- Healing Moon
- Health
- Hear Thoughts
- Heartstopper
- Heat Exhaustion
- Heat Metal
- Height Restrictions
- Hellfire
- Helping Hand
- Herbalism
- Herbology
- Heresy
- Heroism
- Hibernation
- Hide
- Hide In Plain Sight
- Hide Other
- Hide Ship
- Hideout
- High Jump
- High Marks
- High Tide
- Hills Tactics
- Hippieness
- Hire Crewmember
- Hives
- Hold
- Hold Animal
- Hold Undead
- Hold Your Liquor
- Holy Aura
- Holy Day
- Holy Shield
- Holy Strike
- Holy Wind
- Holy Word
- Homeopathy
- Honey Moon
- Horns
- Horse Speak
- Howlers Moon
- Hungerless
- Hunt Chaos
- Hunt Evil
- Hunt Good
- Hunt Law
- Hunters Endurance
- Hunting
- Hush
- Ice Healing
- Ice Lance
- Ice Sheet
- Ice Storm
- Identify Bombs
- Identify Object
- Identify Poison
- Identify Traps
- Ignan
- Ignite
- ignition trap
- Illusionary Forest
- Illusory Disease
- Illusory Wall
- Imitate
- Immunities
- Immunity
- Imprisonment
- Improve Gathering Skills
- Improved Boarding
- Improved Caltrops
- Improved Clan Ward
- Improved Distraction
- Improved Hiding
- Improved Invisibility
- Improved Peek
- Improved Planar Distortion
- Improved Planarmorph
- Improved Polymorph
- Improved Repairing Aura
- Improved Shield Defence
- Improved Steal
- Improved Swipe
- Improved Teaching
- Improved Throwing
- Incite Dead
- Increase Gravity
- Inebriation
- Infect
- infected
- Infection
- Inflict Cannibalism
- Inflict Vampirism
- Informant
- Infravision
- Infuse Balance
- Infuse Discipline
- Infuse Holiness
- Infuse Impunity
- Infuse Moderation
- Infuse Unholiness
- Injure
- Injury
- Insatiable Thirst
- Insect Plague
- Instrument Bash
- Instrument Making
- Instruments
- Intercept Ship
- Intimidation
- Invigorate
- Invisibility
- Invisibility Sphere
- Invisibility to Mark
- Invisibility to Undead
- Invisible Ink
- Iron Chakra
- Iron Grip
- Irrigation
- Irritation
- Item Clean
- Item Transporter
- Item Transporter Receiver
- ItemRejuv
- Jail Key
- Jewel Making
- Jingledress
- Jitterbug
- Joke
- Joyous Rapture
- Judgement
- Juggle
- Jungle Tactics
- Kamikaze
- Keen Edge
- Keenvision
- Ki Strike
- Kick
- Kill Log
- Killer Vine
- Kinetic Bubble
- Kinetic Pulse
- Knife Hand
- Knock
- Know Alignment
- Know Bliss
- Know Fate
- Know Origin
- Know Pain
- Know Plants
- Know Value
- Knowledge
- Krakenform
- Labeling
- Labyrinth
- Lacquering
- Land Legs
- Land Lungs
- Landscaping
- Language Translator
- Languages
- Laughter
- launcher trap
- Lava Chakra
- Lay Minor Traps
- Lay Traps
- Lead Foot
- Leather Working
- Leave the specified area, or room
- Lecturing
- Leeches
- Leeching
- Legendary Weaponsmithing
- Leprosy
- Lesser Image
- Lethargy
- Letter of Marque
- Level Limitations
- Levitate
- Life Echoes
- Light
- Light Blindness
- Light Placebo
- Light Sensitivity
- Lighten Item
- Lighthouse
- Lighting Property
- Lightness
- Lightning Bolt
- Lightning Chakra
- Lightning Strike
- Lightning Ward
- Lightningbreath
- Limb Rack
- Limited Content Types
- Limited Equips Item
- Limited Item
- Limited Wish
- Linguistic Comprehension
- Linked Health
- Liquor
- Listen
- Lizardmorph
- Lobotomizing
- Local Social creating property
- Locate Alcohol
- Locate Animals
- Locate Object
- Locate Plants
- Lockjaw
- Locksmithing
- Long Breath
- Lore
- Love Moon
- Love Song
- Lower Law
- Lower Resistance
- Loyalty
- Lullabies
- Lullaby
- Lure
- Lycanthropy
- Lyme Disease
- Macabre
- Mage Armor
- Mage Claws
- Mage Honorary Degree
- Magepox
- Magic Bullets
- Magic Item
- Magic Missile
- Magic Mouth
- Magic Neutralizing
- Magical Aura
- Magma Cannon
- Magnetic Earth
- Magnetic Field
- Major Infusion
- Major Mana Shield
- Make Bombs
- Make Maps
- Make Pub Contacts
- Make Sea Maps
- Malaria
- Malediction
- Maligned Portal
- Mana
- Mana Burn
- Mana Shield
- Manic Moon
- Manipuri
- March
- Mark
- Mark Disguise
- Mark OOC
- Mark Spying
- Mark Trapped
- Marker Portal
- Marker Summoning
- Marketeering
- Marry
- Masonry
- Mass Blindness
- Mass Cure Disease
- Mass Deafness
- Mass Disintegrate
- Mass FeatherFall
- Mass Fly
- Mass Forgive
- Mass Freedom
- Mass Fungal Growth
- Mass Grave
- Mass Harm
- Mass Haste
- Mass Heal
- Mass Hold
- Mass Invisibility
- Mass Mobility
- Mass Paralyze
- Mass Repairing Aura
- Mass Sleep
- Mass Slow
- Mass Waterbreath
- Mast Shot
- Master Armorsmithing
- Master Baking
- Master Butchering
- Master Cooking
- Master Costuming
- Master Distilling
- Master Drilling
- Master Dyeing
- Master Farming
- Master Fishing
- Master Floristry
- Master Food Prep
- Master Foraging
- Master Gardening
- Master Gem Digging
- Master Herbology
- Master Lacquering
- Master Leather Working
- Master Mining
- Master Painting Skill
- Master Shearing
- Master Tailoring
- Master Trawling
- Master Weaponsmithing
- Master Wood Chopping
- Matrix Possess
- Meat Curing
- Medal Making
- Meditation
- Meld
- Melody
- Memorize
- Mend
- Mercy
- Mercy
- Metacrafting
- Metal Mold
- Meteor Storm
- Meteor Strike
- Migraine Headaches
- Milkable
- Mimicry
- Mind Block
- Mind Fog
- Mind Light
- Mind Suck
- Mindsap
- Mining
- Minor Image
- Minor Infusion
- Minor Mana Shield
- Mirage
- Mirror Image
- Misstep
- Moderate Infusion
- Modifying Experience Gained
- Modifying Faction Gained
- Mold
- Monkey Grip
- Monkey Punch
- Monkey Speak
- MonkSkill
- Monolith
- Monologue
- monster cage
- Monster Limitations
- Monster Summoning
- Mood
- Moon Calf
- Moonbeam
- Moose Speak
- Moral Balance
- Morph Unholy Weapon
- Morris
- Morse Code
- Mountain Tactics
- Mounted Charge
- Mounted Combat
- Move The Sky
- Moving restrictor
- Muddy Grounds
- Mug
- Multiwatch
- Mummy Rot
- Musette
- Mute
- Muteness
- Muting
- My Plants
- Mystic Loom
- Mystic Shine
- Mystical
- Narcolepsy
- Natural Balance
- Natural Communion
- Natural Order
- Natural Weapon Proficiency
- Nausea
- Naval Tactics
- Nectar
- Nether Veil
- Neutralize Item
- Neutralize Land
- Neutralize Poison
- NewDeathMsg
- Nightmare
- Ninja Crafting
- Ninja Signal
- Ninth Totem
- Nipple Twist
- No Damage
- No Player Killing
- noisy trap
- Nondetection
- Not Learnable for Crafting
- Nothing
- Nourishing Food
- Nullification
- Obesity
- Oboes
- Obscure Self
- Observe
- Octo-Arms
- Octo-Grapple
- Ode
- Omnipresence
- Open Blade Trap
- Open Gas Trap
- Open Needle Trap
- Open Spell Trap
- Open Trap
- Opening Command
- Opening Password
- Opponent Knowledge
- Orcish
- Organizing
- Organs
- OwlSpeak
- Pack Call
- Pain Veil
- Painting
- Painting Skill
- Paladin Skill
- Paladin's Aura
- Paladin's Courage
- Paladin's Goodness
- Paladin's Mount
- Paladin's Purity
- Paladin's Resistance
- Pale Moon
- Palm
- Panhandling
- Paper Making
- Paralysis
- Paralyze
- Parry
- Pass Door
- Pay Off
- Peace Moon
- Peace Ritual
- Peacefully
- Peek
- pepper bomb
- Peppersauce
- Permanency
- Persistent Hiddenness
- Persistent Invisibility
- Pet Spy
- Pet Steal
- Phantasm
- Phantom Hound
- Philosophy
- Phosphorescence
- Physical Property
- Pianos
- Pick Locks
- Pieces of Eight
- Piercing Moon
- Piety Curse
- Pig Latin
- Pig Speak
- Pin
- Pirate
- Pirate Shanty
- pit trap
- Placebo
- Plague
- Plains Tactics
- Planar Adaptation
- Planar Banish
- Planar Block
- Planar Bubble
- Planar Burst
- Planar Defiance
- Planar Distortion
- Planar Enemy
- Planar Enthrall
- Planar Extension
- Planar Instability
- Planar Link
- Planar Lore
- Planar Plague
- Planar Plague
- Planar Shifting Ability
- Planar Tactics
- Planar Timer
- Planar Travel
- Planar Veteran
- Planar Ward
- Planarmorph
- Planarmorph Self
- Plane Walking
- Planeshift
- Plant Bed
- Plant Choke
- Plant Constriction
- Plant Form
- Plant Item
- Plant Lore
- Plant Maze
- Plant Pass
- Plant Self
- Plant Snare
- Plant Trap
- Plant Wall
- Play Instrument
- Player Death Neutralizing
- Playerkill ONLY Zone
- Plunder
- Pneumonia
- Point Blank Shot
- Poison
- poison gas
- poison gas bomb
- Poison Immunity
- Poison Ivy
- Poison_Hyper
- poisoned needle
- poisoned pricker
- Poisonous Bite
- Poisonous Vine
- Polearm Familiarity
- Polearm Proficiency
- Polearm Specialization
- Polka
- Polymorph
- Polymorph Object
- Polymorph Self
- popping noise
- Portal
- Portal Other
- Position
- Pottery
- Power Grab
- Practice Dummy
- Prayer Shield
- Prayer Ward
- Prayercraft
- Predict Phase
- Predict Tides
- Predict Weather
- Pregnancy
- Preserve Body
- Preserve Knowledge
- Pressure Points
- Prestidigitation
- Prevents automatic purging
- Prevents deletion/corruption from corpses
- Prison Assignment
- Prisoner
- Prisoner Transfer
- Produce Flame
- Prophecy
- Protect Health
- Protection
- Protection Chaos
- Protection Cold
- Protection Curses
- Protection Death
- Protection Disease
- Protection Elements
- Protection Evil
- Protection Fire
- Protection Good
- Protection Law
- Protection Outsiders
- Protection Paralyzation
- Protection Poison
- Protection Undead
- Provides for enhanced item slots.
- Prying Eye
- Publishing
- Puppeteer
- Purge Invisibility
- Purify
- Purple Moon
- Putting a cluster of rooms up for sale
- Putting a room up for sale
- Putting an area up for sale
- Putting an expandable room up for sale
- Putting many rooms up for sale
- Quake
- QuestBound
- Quick Swipe
- QuickChange
- Quickness
- Quills
- Rabbit Speak
- Racial Enemy
- Racial Lore
- Racial Weapon Familiarity
- Racketeer
- Radiation Sickness
- Rage
- Rags Sharqi
- Rally Cry
- Ranged Weapon Familiarity
- Ranged Weapon Proficiency
- Ranged Weapon Specialization
- Rapid Shot
- rat pit
- Raven Speak
- Re Roll Stats
- Reabsorb
- Reactive Noise
- Read Magic
- Read Music
- Read Prayer
- Read Runes
- Rebirth
- Recall
- Recall Neuralizing
- Recharge Instrument
- Recharge Relic
- Recharge Shards
- Recharge Wand
- Recollecting
- Reconvene Group
- Record
- Recover Voice
- Red Moon
- Reef Walking
- Refit
- Refresh
- Refresh Runes
- Refuge
- Regeneration
- Regional Awareness
- Regrowth
- Reincarnation
- Reinforce
- Relics
- Religious Doubt
- Remembers whats put in, and wear the contents when worn
- Remove Curse
- Remove Death Mark
- Remove Inhibitions
- Remove Paralysis
- Remove Poison
- Remove Traps
- Rend
- Repairing Aura
- Repel Vermin
- Repulsion
- Require stat values
- Rescue
- Resist Acid
- Resist Arrows
- Resist Bludgeoning
- Resist Cold
- Resist Disease
- Resist Divination
- Resist Electricity
- Resist Fire
- Resist Gas
- Resist Indignities
- Resist Magic Missiles
- Resist Paralysis
- Resist Petrification
- Resist Piercing
- Resist Poison
- Resist Slashing
- Resistance
- Resistance due to ownership
- Resistance due to riding
- Resistance due to worn
- Resistance to Stuff
- Restoration
- Restore Mana
- Restore Music
- Restore Smell
- Restore Voice
- Restrictions to ownership
- Restrictions to riding
- Restrictions to wielding/wearing/holding
- Resurrect
- Resurrect Mount
- Resuscitate Companion
- Retreat
- Retribution
- Return Projectile
- Returning
- Reveal Text
- Reveille
- Revelation
- Reverse Gravity
- Revival
- Revoke
- Rhythm
- Ride The Rigging
- Rig Ramming Speed
- Righteous Indignation
- Robbery
- Rock Flesh
- Rockfeet
- Rockskin
- Rockthought
- Rodent Speak
- Rodsmithing
- Rogue Limb
- Roll With Blows
- Room entering adjuster
- Room entering adjuster
- Room navigation limitation
- Room Redirect Property
- Room/Exit navigation limitation
- Room/Exit Race Limitations
- Root
- Rope Swing
- Rot
- Rotten
- Royal Rot
- Running Fight
- Rust Curse
- Sacred Earth
- Sacrifice
- Safecracking
- Safehouse
- Salsa
- Salvaging
- Sanctify Room
- Sanctimonious
- Sanctuary
- Sanctum
- Sap
- Sapling Workers
- Satire
- Saudade
- Scabies
- Scalping
- Scatter
- Scavenge
- Scrap Explode
- Scrapping
- Scratch
- Scribe
- Scrimshawing
- Scroll Scribing
- Scry
- Sculpting
- Scurvy
- Scuttle
- Sea Charting
- Sea Legs
- Sea Lore
- Sea Maneuvers
- Sea Navigation
- Sea Sickness
- Search
- Searching
- Second Attack
- Second Totem
- Secret Writing
- See Aura
- Seeing
- Seekers Prayer
- Semaphore
- Sense Age
- Sense Alignment
- Sense Allergies
- Sense Chaos
- Sense Disease
- Sense Evil
- Sense Faithful
- Sense Fluids
- Sense Gems
- Sense Good
- Sense Hidden
- Sense Injury
- Sense Invisible
- Sense Law
- Sense Law
- Sense Life
- Sense Magic
- Sense Metal
- Sense Ores
- Sense Plants
- Sense Poison
- Sense Prayers
- Sense Pregnancy
- Sense Professions
- Sense Sentience
- Sense Skills
- Sense Snares and Pits
- Sense Songs
- Sense Spells
- Sense Traps
- Sense Undead
- Sense Water
- Serenity
- Sermon
- Set Alarm
- Set Decoys
- Set Snare
- Seventh Totem
- Shadow
- Shadowpass
- Shadowstrike
- Shamblermorph
- Shame
- Shaming
- Shape Object
- Shape Shift
- Shapelessness
- Shards
- Shatter
- Shearing
- Sheep Speak
- Shelter
- Shield
- Shield Bash
- Shield Block
- Shield Familiarity
- Shield Specialization
- Shillelagh
- Ship Building
- Ship Lore
- Shocking Grasp
- Shockshield
- Shoddy Aura
- Shoot Web
- Short Effects
- Shove
- Shrink
- Shrink Mouth
- Shrug Off
- Shuffle
- Shush
- Side Kick
- Siege Weapon Specialization
- Siegecrafting
- Sift Wrecks
- Sign Language
- Silence
- Silencing
- Silent
- Silent AutoGold
- Silent AutoLoot
- Silent Drop
- Silent Open
- Silent Running
- Simulacrum
- Single Mindedness
- Sinking
- Siphon
- Sixth Totem
- Skillcraft
- Slapstick
- Slave Trading
- Sleep
- sleep gas
- Sleepwalking
- Slick Caltrops
- Sling Proficiency
- Slip
- Slip Item
- Slippery Mind
- Slow
- Slow Fall
- Slow Learner
- Slow Projectiles
- Slumberall
- small acid pit
- small deep pit
- small pit trap
- small rat pit
- small snake pit
- small spike pit
- Smells Like Cherries
- Smelting
- smoke bomb
- Smoke Chakra
- Smoke Rings
- Smoke Signals
- Smugglers Hold
- snake pit
- Snake Speak
- Snake Staff
- Snap Kick
- snare trap
- Snatch Light
- Sneak
- Sneak Attack
- Snipe
- Snuff Flame
- Soaring Eagle
- Sober
- Soiled
- Solo
- Solve Maze
- Sonar
- Song Shield
- Song Ward
- Song Write
- Songcraft
- Soul Peering
- Sound Echo
- sparking trap
- Speak With Animals
- Speak with Dead
- Specific Skill Neutralizing
- Specific Spell Neutralizing
- Speculating
- Speed Aging
- Speed Birth
- Speed Time
- spell blast
- Spell Crafting Skill
- Spell reflecting property
- Spell Turning
- Spell Ward
- Spellbinding
- Spellcraft
- Spider Climb
- spike pit
- Spiritual
- Spook
- spore bomb
- spore trap
- Spotters Orders
- Spring Attack
- Spying
- Spying Stone
- Square
- Squatting
- Stability
- Staff Familiarity
- Staff Making
- Staff Proficiency
- Staff Specialization
- standard trap
- Star Gazing
- Stasis
- Stat Regeneration
- Stays on mounted thing
- StdSkill
- Steal
- Stigma
- Sting
- stink bomb
- Stinkify
- Stinking Cloud
- Stone Body
- Stone Chakra
- Stone Flesh
- Stone Friend
- Stonecunning
- Stoneskin
- Stonewalking
- Stoning
- Stop
- Store Spell
- Stowaway
- Strategic Retreat
- Strength
- Strike Barren
- Strike Neuralizing
- Strike The Set
- Strip Item
- Struggle
- Studying
- Suave
- Subdue
- Summon
- Summon Animal
- Summon Army
- Summon Chum
- Summon Cold
- Summon Companion
- Summon Coral
- Summon Dustdevil
- Summon Elemental
- Summon Enemy
- Summon Fear
- Summon Fire
- Summon Flower
- Summon Flyer
- Summon FlyTrap
- Summon Food
- Summon Fungus
- Summon Hail
- Summon Heat
- Summon Herbs
- Summon Houseplant
- Summon Insects
- Summon Ivy
- Summon Jellyfish
- Summon Lightning
- Summon Marker
- Summon Moon
- Summon Mount
- Summon Peace
- Summon Plague
- Summon Plants
- Summon Pool
- Summon Rain
- Summon Rock Golem
- Summon Sapling
- Summon School
- Summon Seaweed
- Summon Seeds
- Summon Spell Neutralizing
- Summon Steed
- Summon Sun
- Summon Tornado
- Summon Tree
- Summon Vine
- Summon Water
- Summon Wind
- Summoning Ward
- Sun Curse
- Sunbeam
- Sunray
- Super Climb
- Superior Image
- Superstition
- Surrender
- Surveying
- Swamp Tactics
- Sweep
- Sweet Scent
- Swim
- Swing
- Swipe gold
- Sword Familiarity
- Sword Proficiency
- Sword Specialization
- Swords
- Symphony
- Syphilis
- Tag Turf
- Tail Swipe
- Tailoring
- Taint of Chaos
- Taint of Evil
- Tangle
- Tango
- Tanning
- Tap
- Tap Grapevine
- Tap Room
- Tar And Feather
- Tarantella
- Tattoo Limitations
- Tattooing
- Taxidermy
- Tel Neutralizing
- Telepathy
- Teleport
- Teleport Object
- Teleport OUT OF Spell Neutralizing
- Teleport-INTO Spell Neutralizing
- Teleportation Ward
- Tempo
- Temporary Affects
- Temporary Immunity
- Tenth Totem
- Tetanus
- Tether
- Textiling
- Thanks
- The Narrow Ledge
- The Plague
- THE Training MOB
- Thief Honorary Degree
- Thiefcraft
- Thieves Cant
- Third Attack
- Third Totem
- Thirstless
- Thorns
- Throw Feces
- Thunderbolt
- Ticket Taker
- Tidal Wave
- Tide Moon
- Tie Down
- Time Stop
- Timeport
- Tinnitus
- Tithe
- Titling
- Toadstool
- Torture
- Torturesmithing
- Toughness
- Toughness II
- Toughness III
- Tourettes
- Tourettes
- Track
- Track Animal
- Track Friend
- Tracking
- Transcribing
- Transformation
- Trap Immunity
- Trap Sense
- Trawling
- Treeform
- Treehouse
- Treemind
- Treemorph
- Tremor
- Tremor Sense
- Tribal
- Trip
- tripline
- Trombones
- Trophy Count
- Truce
- True Name
- True Resurrection
- True Shot
- True Sight
- Trumpets
- Tsunami
- Tubas
- Tumble
- Tune Instrument
- Turf War
- Turn Undead
- Two Dagger Fighting
- Two Weapon Fighting
- Ugliness
- Unattackable Pets
- Unbinding
- Unbreakable
- Undead Invisibility
- Undeniable Faith
- Undercommon
- Underground Connections
- Underwater Action
- Underwater Sounds
- Unholy Armament
- Unholy Poison
- Unholy Portent
- Unholy Word
- Unicorns Health
- Unlock Blade Trap
- Unlock Gas Trap
- Unlock Needle Trap
- Unlock Spell Trap
- Unlock Trap
- Unmappable Room/Area
- Unsellable stuff
- Untraceable
- Uplift
- Upstage
- Urban Tactics
- Use Poison
- Valor
- Vampire Vine
- Vampirism
- vanishing trap
- Venom
- Venom Ward
- Venomous Bite
- Ventriloquate
- Vertigo
- Vicious Blow
- Vine Mass
- Vine Weave
- Violins
- Volcanic Chasm
- Wainwrighting
- Waking Moon
- Walk The Plank
- Wall of Air
- Wall of Darkness
- Wall of Fire
- Wall of Force
- Wall of Ice
- Wall of Stone
- Waltz
- Wand Making
- WanderHomeLater
- Wands
- War
- War Cry
- Ward Area
- Warning Shot
- Warning Winds
- Warp Wood
- Warrants
- Watchful Hound
- water bomb
- Water Breathing
- Water Burst
- Water Cannon
- Water Cover
- Water Fist
- Water Hammer
- Water Needles
- Water Tactics
- Water Walking
- Waterguard
- Waterspout
- Wave
- Weak Energy Drain
- Weak Paralysis
- Weak Rickity Bridge
- Weaken
- Weakness to Acid
- Weakness to Cold
- Weakness to Electricity
- Weakness to Fire
- Weakness to Gas
- Weapon Break
- Weapon Catch
- Weapon Familiarity
- Weapon Immunity
- Weapon Proficiency
- Weapon Sharpening
- Weapon Snatch
- Weapon Specialization
- weapon swing
- Weaponsmithing
- Wearable Unzapper
- Weather Setter
- Weaving
- Web
- Web Spinning
- Web Touch
- Welding
- Well Dressed
- Wenching
- Whirlpool
- Whisperward
- White Moon
- Whomp
- Wild Tag Turf
- Wilderness Lore
- Wilderness Sounds
- Wind Chakra
- Wind Color
- Wind Gust
- Wind Shape
- Wind Snatcher
- Winged Flight
- Wings
- Wish
- Wizard Invisibility
- Wizard Lock
- Wizards Chest
- Wolf Speak
- Wood Chopping
- Wood Clappers
- Woodland Creep
- Woodland Hide
- Woodland Lore
- Woodland Sneak
- Word of Chaos
- Word of Law
- Word of Recall
- Works like an ice box
- Worm Speak
- Worms
- Wrath
- Write
- Writers Block
- Xylophones
- Yawning
- Yearning
- Youth
- Zika