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CoffeeMUD |
Administrator Builder Player |
=CoffeeMUD Player Information= | |||
Basics | Info Commands Socials Combat Groups | Character | Stats Races Classes Abilities Expertises Achievements |
World | Deities Areas Property Quests Clans Triumphs | Items | Items Crafting Ships |
==Abilities== |
Chants Common Skills Languages Prayers Skills Songs Spells Thief Skills |
===Spell Domains=== |
Abjuration Alteration Conjuration Cosmology Divination Enchantment/Charm Illusion Invocation/Evocation Transmutation |
Spells are arcane magic powered by the connection of the caster to the magical "weave" of energy surrounding the world.
- Achilles Armor
- Acid Arrow
- Acid Fog
- Acid Spray
- Add Limb
- Advancement
- Alarm
- Alter Substance
- Alternate Reality
- Analyze Item
- Anchor
- Animate Item
- Animate Weapon
- Anti Plant Shell
- Arcane Mark
- Arcane Possession
- Arms Length
- Astral Step
- Augury
- Awe
- Awe Other
- Big Mouth
- Blademouth
- Blind
- Blink
- Blur
- Brainwash
- Breadcrumbs
- Burning Hands
- Cause Stink
- Chain Lightning
- Change Sex
- Channeled Missiles
- Chant Shield
- Charm
- Charm Ward
- Choke
- Claireaudience
- Clairevoyance
- Clan Donate
- Clan Experience
- Clan Home
- Clan Ward
- ClanEnchant Acid
- ClanEnchant Cold
- ClanEnchant Disease
- ClanEnchant Electric
- ClanEnchant Fire
- ClanEnchant Gas
- ClanEnchant Mind
- ClanEnchant Paralysis
- ClanEnchant Poison
- ClanEnchant Water
- Clarify Scroll
- Clog Mouth
- Clone
- Cloudkill
- Cogniportive
- Color Spray
- Combat Precognition
- Command
- Comprehend Languages
- Confusion
- Conjure Ammunition
- Conjure Nexus
- Continual Light
- Counterspell
- Darkness
- Darkness Globe
- Daydream
- Deaden Smell
- Deafen
- Death Warning
- Delay
- Delirium
- Delude
- Demon Gate
- Destroy Object
- Detect Ambush
- Detect Gold
- Detect Hidden
- Detect Invisible
- Detect Magic
- Detect Metal
- Detect Poison
- Detect Scrying
- Detect Sentience
- Detect Traps
- Detect Undead
- Detect Water
- Detect Weaknesses
- Disenchant
- Disenchant Wand
- Disguise Other
- Disguise Self
- Disguise Undead
- Disintegrate
- Dismissal
- Dispel Divination
- Dispel Magic
- Distant Vision
- Divine Beauty
- Divining Eye
- Dragonfire
- Dream
- Duplicate
- Earthquake
- Elemental Storm
- Enchant Armor
- Enchant Arrows
- Enchant Wand
- Enchant Weapon
- Endless Hunger
- Endless Road
- Enlarge Object
- Enlightenment
- Ensnare
- Enthrall
- Erase Scroll
- Exhaustion
- Fabricate
- Faerie Fire
- Faerie Fog
- Fake Armor
- Fake Food
- Fake Spring
- Fake Weapon
- Farsight
- Fatigue
- Fear
- Feather Fall
- Feeblemind
- Feel The Void
- Feign Death
- Feign Invisibility
- Find Directions
- Find Familiar
- Fireball
- Flagportation
- Flameshield
- Flaming Arrows
- Flaming Ensnarement
- Flaming Sword
- Flesh Stone
- Floating Disc
- Fly
- Fools Gold
- Forceful Hand
- Forecast Weather
- Forget
- Forked Lightning
- Frailty
- Free Movement
- Frenzy
- Friends
- Frost
- Future Death
- Gate
- Geas
- Ghost Sound
- Giant Strength
- Globe
- Grace Of The Cat
- Gravity Slam
- Grease
- Greater Enchant Armor
- Greater Enchant Weapon
- Greater Globe
- Greater Image
- Greater Invisibility
- Group Status
- Grow
- Gust of Wind
- Harden Bullets
- Haste
- Hear Thoughts
- Heat Metal
- Helping Hand
- Hold
- Hungerless
- Ice Lance
- Ice Sheet
- Ice Storm
- Identify Object
- Ignite
- Illusory Disease
- Illusory Wall
- Immunity
- Improved Clan Ward
- Improved Invisibility
- Improved Polymorph
- Improved Repairing Aura
- Increase Gravity
- Infravision
- Insatiable Thirst
- Insect Plague
- Invisibility
- Invisibility Sphere
- Iron Grip
- Irritation
- Keen Edge
- Kinetic Bubble
- Kinetic Pulse
- Knock
- Know Alignment
- Know Bliss
- Know Fate
- Know Origin
- Know Pain
- Know Value
- Laughter
- Lead Foot
- Lesser Image
- Levitate
- Light
- Light Blindness
- Light Sensitivity
- Lighten Item
- Lighthouse
- Lightning Bolt
- Limb Rack
- Locate Object
- Lower Resistance
- Mage Armor
- Mage Claws
- Magic Bullets
- Magic Item
- Magic Missile
- Magic Mouth
- Magical Aura
- Major Mana Shield
- Mana Burn
- Mana Shield
- Marker Portal
- Marker Summoning
- Mass Disintegrate
- Mass FeatherFall
- Mass Fly
- Mass Haste
- Mass Hold
- Mass Invisibility
- Mass Repairing Aura
- Mass Sleep
- Mass Slow
- Mass Waterbreath
- Meld
- Mend
- Meteor Storm
- Mind Block
- Mind Fog
- Mind Light
- Minor Image
- Minor Mana Shield
- Mirage
- Mirror Image
- Misstep
- Monster Summoning
- Mute
- Mystic Loom
- Mystic Shine
- Natural Communion
- Nether Veil
- Nightmare
- Obscure Self
- Pass Door
- Permanency
- Phantasm
- Phantom Hound
- Planeshift
- Polymorph
- Polymorph Object
- Polymorph Self
- Portal
- Portal Other
- Prayer Shield
- Prestidigitation
- Produce Flame
- Prying Eye
- Purge Invisibility
- Read Magic
- Recharge Wand
- Reconvene Group
- Refit
- Reinforce
- Repairing Aura
- Repulsion
- Resist Acid
- Resist Arrows
- Resist Bludgeoning
- Resist Cold
- Resist Disease
- Resist Divination
- Resist Electricity
- Resist Fire
- Resist Gas
- Resist Indignities
- Resist Magic Missiles
- Resist Paralysis
- Resist Petrification
- Resist Piercing
- Resist Poison
- Resist Slashing
- Returning
- Reverse Gravity
- Rogue Limb
- Scatter
- Scribe
- Scry
- See Aura
- Shape Object
- Shatter
- Shelter
- Shield
- Shocking Grasp
- Shockshield
- Shove
- Shrink
- Shrink Mouth
- Silence
- Simulacrum
- Siphon
- Sleep
- Slow
- Slow Projectiles
- Solve Maze
- Sonar
- Song Shield
- Spell Turning
- Spellbinding
- Spider Climb
- Spook
- Spotters Orders
- Spying Stone
- Stinking Cloud
- Stone Flesh
- Stoneskin
- Store Spell
- Summon
- Summon Army
- Summon Companion
- Summon Enemy
- Summon Flyer
- Summon Marker
- Summon Steed
- Summoning Ward
- Superior Image
- Telepathy
- Teleport
- Teleport Object
- Teleportation Ward
- Thirstless
- Time Stop
- Timeport
- Toadstool
- Torture
- Tourettes
- Transformation
- True Sight
- Ugliness
- Untraceable
- Ventriloquate
- Wall of Air
- Wall of Darkness
- Wall of Fire
- Wall of Force
- Wall of Ice
- Wall of Stone
- Ward Area
- Watchful Hound
- Water Breathing
- Water Cannon
- Weaken
- Weakness to Acid
- Weakness to Cold
- Weakness to Electricity
- Weakness to Fire
- Weakness to Gas
- Web
- Web Touch
- Wish
- Wizard Lock
- Wizards Chest
- Word of Recall
- Youth