Category:Expertise(Extended Abjuring)
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Pages in category "Expertise(Extended Abjuring)"
The following 48 pages are in this category, out of 48 total.
- Spell AchillesArmor
- Spell Anchor
- Spell AntiPlantShell
- Spell ArcanePossession
- Spell ChantShield
- Spell CharmWard
- Spell ClanWard
- Spell Counterspell
- Spell Deflection
- Spell DivinationWard
- Spell FreeMovement
- Spell Immunity
- Spell ImprovedClanWard
- Spell ImprovedRepairingAura
- Spell KineticBubble
- Spell MageArmor
- Spell MajManaShield
- Spell MajorGlobe
- Spell ManaShield
- Spell MassRepairingAura
- Spell MindBlock
- Spell MinManaShield
- Spell MinorGlobe
- Spell Nondetection
- Spell PlanarWard
- Spell PrayerShield
- Spell RepairingAura
- Spell Repulsion
- Spell ResistAcid
- Spell ResistArrows
- Spell ResistBludgeoning
- Spell ResistCold
- Spell ResistDisease
- Spell ResistElectricity
- Spell ResistFire
- Spell ResistGas
- Spell ResistIndignities
- Spell ResistMagicMissiles
- Spell ResistParalyzation
- Spell ResistPetrification
- Spell ResistPiercing
- Spell ResistPoison
- Spell ResistSlashing
- Spell SongShield
- Spell SpellTurning
- Spell SummoningWard
- Spell TeleportationWard
- Spell Untraceable