Archon Accuse

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Domain: Archon
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 1
Commands: ACCUSE
Usage: ACCUSE "PLAYER NAME" "crime description" ("SENTENCE NUM") (!)
Examples: accuse gunther making me mad

accuse joe of being joe 7 !

Description: From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can cause the target player to be accused of a crime in either the area they are currently in, their starting area, or the area the accuser is in, depending on what's available when the skill is used. This will cause the law in that area to go after the target player. The default sentence is prison time, but this can be lowered or raised by specifying a number from 0 (warning) to 10 (death) at the end. An exclamation mark may be optionally also added to do a worldwide announcement.

