Thief Scuttle

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Revision as of 23:00, 20 March 2020 by Loki (talk | contribs)
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Domain: Sea Travel
Available: Pirate(13) Sailor(13)
Allows: Reduced Traveling Power Traveling Ranged Traveling Ranged Sailing Reduced Sailing Power Sailing Extended Traveling Extended Sailing
UseCost: Mana (63)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: SCUTTLE
Examples: scuttle
Description: This skill allows the rogue to intentionally damage a seagoing vessel in such a way as to cause it to sink. The player must already be aboard the ship, and must be the last living being aboard. They must also have permission to scuttle the vessel, either because they own it, or because it is an enemy vessel.

