Thief Articles

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Domain: Influential
Available: Pirate(21)
Allows: Influencing
UseCost: Mana (71)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: ARTICLES
Examples: articles bob
Description: This skill allows the player on their ship to offer the articles of piracy to the target bound or grouped npc. If they are accepted, the target will be tied to the ship for the rest of their life, and will perform one of three jobs for the ship:

Siege Weapon Operator: This type of crew will remain passive until the ship enters combat. At that point they will seek out the nearest siege weapon and attempt to load and aim it. They pick up and use any suitable ammunition sitting around.

Defender: This type of crew will remain passive until the ship enters combat. At that point, they will begin wandering the ship looking for fights to get into against anyone who boards.

Boarder: This type of crew will remain passive until the ship enters combat. At that point, they will begin wandering the ship looking for a way to get to the enemy ship. If any grapples are sitting around, they will grab them and use them.

The total amount of crew that can sign the articles of piracy is limited by the size of the ship deck, the number of rooms in the ship total, and the expertise of the pirate.

