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Throughout the CoffeeMUD system, there are times when designing a script, ability, emote or other feature where the text output to the player may require grammatical modification based on who generates the message and who is receiving the message. The following Scriptable Tags are useful for conforming text output to a more appropriate dynamic display.

Scriptable Tags

Source Tags

Tag Output if Observer=Source Output to all others Other Output
<S-HIS-HER> 'Your' 'His'/'Her'
<S-HIM-HER> 'You' 'Him'/'Her'
<S-NAME> 'You' Source's Name
<S-NAMESELF> 'Yourself' Source's Name
<S-HE-SHE> 'You' 'He'/'She'
<S-SIRMADAM> 'Sir'/'Madam', depending on gender of Source.
<S-MRMS> 'Mr.'/'Ms.', depending on gender of Source.
<S-MISTERMADAM> 'Mister'/'Madam' depending on gender of Source.
<S-IS-ARE> 'Are' 'Is'
<S-HAS-HAVE> 'Have' 'Has'
<S-YOUPOSS> 'Your' (Source's Name)'s
<S-HIM-HERSELF> 'Yourself' 'Himself'/'Herself'
<S-HIS-HERSELF> 'Yourself' 'Hisself'/'Herself'

Target Tags

Tag Output if Observer=Target Output to all others Other Output
<T-HIS-HER> 'You' 'His'/'Her'
<T-HIM-HER> 'You' 'Him'/'Her'
<T-NAME> 'You' Target's Name
<T-NAMESELF> 'Yourself' Target's Name
<T-HE-SHE> 'You' 'He'/'She'
<T-SIRMADAM> 'Sir'/'Madam' depending on Target's gender.
<T-MRMS> 'Mr.'/'Ms.' depending on Target's gender.
<T-MISTERMADAM> 'Mister'/'Madam' depending on Target's gender.
<T-IS-ARE> 'Are' 'Is'
<T-HAS-HAVE> 'Have' 'Has'
<T-YOUPOSS> 'Your' Target's Name with an '`s'
<T-HIM-HERSELF> 'Yourself' 'Himself'/'Herself'
<T-HIS-HERSELF> 'Yourself' 'Hisself'/'Herself'

Verb tenses

You may add a (s) to the end of a verb to attempt to match verb tenses to subject.

Example: <S-NAME> run(s) at <T-NAME>.


You may add a (s) to the end of a noun to attempt to match quantity to the subject.

Example: <S-NAME> find(s) var coin(s).


  • When adding properties with message tags using scripting variable via the command line, the return display in the editor may parse out the result of the scripting tag when displaying the message, but the parameter will actually be saved with the desired tag and work as intended. For example, if you have a Prop_ReqLevel with the parameters >10,message="<S-NAME> will be eaten alive here, turn back!", the command line editor will return Prop_ReqLevel(>10, messages="You will be eaten alive here, turn back!"), but reviewing this property in the grinder will show the proper <S-NAME> is in place.