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Domain: Gathering
Available: Abjurer(15) Alterer(15) Arcanist(15) Artisan(1) Assassin(15) Barbarian(15) Bard(15) Beastmaster(15) Burglar(15) Cavalier(15) Charlatan(15) Cleric(15) Conjurer(15) Delver(15) Diviner(15) Doomsayer(15) Druid(15) Enchanter(15) Evoker(15) Fighter(15) Gaian(15) Gaoler(15) Healer(15) Illusionist(15) Jester(15) Mage(15) Mer(15) Minstrel(15) Missionary(15) Monk(15) Necromancer(15) Ninja(15) Oracle(15) Paladin(15) Pirate(15) Dancer(15) Purist(15) Ranger(15) Reliquist(15) Sailor(15) Scholar(15) Shaman(15) SkyWatcher(15) Templar(15) Thief(15) Transmuter(15) Trapper(15) Wizard(15)
Allows: Irrigation Quick Working Landscaping Quick Worker Gardening
UseCost: Movement (40)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: compost carrots

compost 20 carrots compost bundle 100 compost

Description: This skill allows the player to quickly convert any vegetation or meat resources, such as those from the forage, butcher, or fishing skills, into compost items. These compost items can then be used to greatly increase the yield of the Farming and Shrooming skills.


If there is any compost on the ground when you are Farming, 1 unit of compost will be used resulting in greater farming yield.