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Every player has a chance of having one or more allergies when they are born/created. Allergens can be specific to a type of race or to a material.

Allergy Affects

The affects of allergies can range from mildly annoying to outright deadly.


Eating an item that you are allergic to can cause death!


Holding or wearing an item that you are allergic to can cause a severe rash.


Having an item in your inventory that you are allergic to can cause a mild irritation, often resulting in incessant scratching and sneezing.


Being in the same room as a race or item you are allergic to can cause a mild irritation, often resulting in incessant scratching and sneezing.


Allergens come in two varieties: Races and Resources.

  • Any race can be an allergen, including cross-bred races.
  • Any Resource can be an allergen, although there are no known allergens to specific sub-resources.
    • For example, a character may be allergic to Steel, which would include the sub-resource Stainless Steel, but a character would not be allergic to just Stainless Steel.

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