Chant Reincarnation

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Domain: Breeding
Available: Druid(30)
Allows: Breeding
UseCost: Mana (200)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: CHANT, CH
Description: Available: Druid

Example  : chant "reincarnation" bob

This most powerful of Druid chants places a powerful geas upon the target. Once cast, this powerful effect will trigger whenever the person or creature under the geas dies, forcing them to be reincarnated as some random creature. After a long period of time, the geas will be lifted, and the target will be permanently stuck with the race they are at that moment. The duration of the chant effect is a few hours of real time. Casting this chant at the target again will lift the geas.


  • Revoking or removing the Geas will revert the character to their original race. Letting the Geas timer expire will make the current race the permanent.