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GenAbilities are abilities that are created virtually within CoffeeMUD. Before creating GenAbilities, you should be familiar with the [Builder's Guide] and the [Guide].
Creating GenAbilities
Creating GenAbilities Using the Command Line
To create an ability in-game, use the command CREATE ABILITY [ability_name].
To create a crafting skill, use the command CREATE CRAFTSKILL [ability_name].
To create a language skill, use the command CREATE LANGUAGE [language_name].
- [ability_name] should be very descriptive to the nature of the ability. For example, if you are creating an ability that only wolves would use, you may wish to name the ability Wolf_Rake. You will have an opportunity to provide a more user-friendly display name later. Uniqueness of this name is important for making help file entries.
Creating GenAbilities Using the MUDGrinder
Select the Abilities link in the main Grinder menu. Scroll to the bottom of the list in the Abilities Creator page and type your ability name in the appropriate skill type, then click the Create new (skill type) link to the left of the entry box you chose.
GenAbility Data
Ability/Skill name
This is the display name of the ability that players/mobs will use.
Type, Domain
The type of ability will determine where it appears on a player's abilities list, whether it is a chant, prayer, skill, song or spell. The Domain affects which expertises apply to it, as well as other domain-related affects.
- Do not put a space between the type and the domain, only place a comma between the two fields.
- The domain name should not have any spaces. Typically, an underscore is used between domains with multiple words, like nature_lore.
- Do not attempt to create new domains with this field. It does not work.
Command Words
This is the command you must state before specifying the ability name and target. For spells, this is CAST, CA, C. For properties, this field is blank. This field can be any command word desired, but may result in some conflicts within your mud when players are using socials or other commands of the same name as this field.
Minimum Range
The minimum range in which the mob must be to use the ability on the target. This is a descriptive list, with values of:
- Melee
- Close
- Short
- Medium
- Long
- Longer
- Longerstill
- Extremelylong
- Infinite
Maximum Range
The maximum range in which the mob must be to use the ability on the target. Maximum Range uses the same descriptive list as minimum range, and should be the same or further than Minimum Range.
Ticks Between Casts
This field determines the frequency in which the ability may be used. If set to 0, this ability may be used as frequently as commanded. Any positive integer will cause this ability to be unavailable for use until that number of ticks has gone by.
Duration Override
This field will override an ability's duration. Normally, abilities will last for a Standard Duration.
Affect String
This is the display players will see when using the AFFECTS or SCORE command for abilities that persist. Generally, the affect string should be enclosed in parentheses. This may be left blank if you do not desire a player to be able to detect the affect. Obvious affects (like paralysis, losing a limb, or having a horrid stench) should have an affect string. If the #Can Affect is not set properly, this field will not be used.
Is Auto-invoking
Whether this skill is automatically applied to a player as an affect when they learn the skill. If true, the ability will show no casting message, and proceed directly to affecthood.
Skill Flags
0 or more comma-delimited flags that describe the affects of your skill to the rest of the mud engine.
Override Cost
Designate the cost of using this skill in mana/movement/etc.
- A value of -1 means to use the default system as defined in your coffeemud.ini file.
- A value of 0 means its free.
- A value from 0-99999 means to always use that amount.
- A value of 2147483647 means to always use all of the mobs mana/move points.
- A value of 2147483647-100 to 2147483647 means to use that percentage of the mobs mana/move points.
Cost Type
This field allows you to determine what resource(s) are used to activate the ability for the assigned cost from the previous field. Mana is the default, but Movement, Hit Points or any combination of the three may be selected.
Can Affect
Tick/Periodic Affects
Can Target
Quality Code
Affect Adjustments
Caster Mask
Scriptable Parm
Target Mask
Fizzle Message
Auto-Cast Message
Normal-Cast Message
Post-Cast Message
Uninvoke Message
Quiet Effect ID
This field can be used to provide the entire affect of an existing ability to this new ability, with all of the costs, messages, domains, etc determined by this ability instead of the Quiet Effect ID. In this fashion, you can rebrand an existing ability's affect. None of the messages from the Quiet Effect ID will be applied, including the AFFECT message.
Public Effects
This field allows you to add a semi-colon delimited list of ability affects to the new ability. All messages and affects will be displayed as if the Public Effects were each cast independently from the new ability.
Extra Castings
Damage/Healing Formula
Help Text
This field provides additional information from the HELP (ability_name) command to players. It should always start with the tag <ABILITY> and does not require a closing tag. It is also useful to add in any Usage and Example information to be consistent with other help files. To add these additional fields using the help text, include the field name and enough spaces to reach the tenth character, which should be a colon (:), then a space and your field information. For subsequent lines within the same field type, use a colon, eight spaces, a colon, a space, and subsequent text. Repeat for each additional field you wish to include. At the end of each field, include a carriage return or %0D to force the formatting. After including all of your field data, put in your abilities description to help players understand and use the ability.
- Command Line Example
- <ABILITY>Usage : RAKE [TARGET NAME]%0DExample : rake orc%0DUsing his powerful hind-claws, a wolf may rake flesh from his opponent.
- MUDGrinder Example
Example : rake orc
: : rake bob
Using his powerful hind-claws, a wolf may rake flesh from his opponent.