Homes of Clover

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Revision as of 13:38, 6 August 2019 by Loki (talk | contribs)
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===Homes of Clover===
Description: This small village lies to the south of Midgaard, and is accessible from the MC barge at the Midgaard Levee or through the Miden'nir Forest to the south of Midgaard. While homes in Clover are subject to Midgaard city laws, there are no cityguards in Clover to drag off criminals. However, warrants can still be issued for breaking Midgaard laws on Homes of Clover property (such as theft or murder), provided there is a witness available.
Author: Loki Currency: Gold coins (default)
Rooms: 41 Population: 1
LevelRange: 35-35 MedianLevel: 35
AvgAlign: pure neutral MedAlignment: pure neutral
Economy: This area uses Gold Coins.
Languages: COMMON is spoken here.

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