This page has all of the current base Fletching recipes as of 5/14/2019.
Fletching Weapon Recipes
Level | Title | Wood Amount | Ranged Subtype | Damage Type | Ammo Type | Ammo Capacity | Hands | Damage | Max Range | Notes |
Fletching Ammunition Recipes
Level | Title | Wood Amount | Ammo Type | Ammo Count | Additional Resource | Notes |
- All the fletching weapons have Attack 0 except the crude sling, which has attack -5 since it's made only from leather.
- One can LOAD a fletching weapon with ammunition.
- Use long look (ll or id) on the weapon to see the amount of ammunition loaded.
- Use long look (ll or id) on a pack of ammunition to see the amount remaining in the pack.
Draft List
Delete this list after putting into table format. crude % atlatl 4 20 6 160 GenSling javelins 1 8 2 basic % atlatl 19 30 6 1200 GenSling javelins 1 32 4 expert % atlatl 43 40 6 5040 GenSling javelins 1 112 4 master % atlatl 67 50 6 12420 GenSling javelins 1 184 4 legendary % atlatl 91 60 6 23040 GenSling javelins 1 256 4 crude % blowgun 2 30 5 25 GenSling darts 6 1 2 basic % blowgun 7 40 5 60 GenSling darts 6 2 2 expert % blowgun 31 50 5 960 GenSling darts 8 12 2 master % blowgun 55 60 5 2860 GenSling darts 10 22 2 legendary % blowgun 79 70 5 5760 GenSling darts 12 32 2 % hand crossbow 23 150 5 1600 GenHandBow darts 5 16 2 % pistol crossbow 47 180 5 7980 GenHandBow darts 5 38 2 % marksman hand crossbow 71 210 5 12420 GenHandBow darts 5 46 4 crude sling 1 10 0 40 GenSling bullets 10 2 1 LEATHER basic sling 13 20 2 80 GenSling bullets 20 2 3 LEATHER staff-sling 25 30 10 640 GenSling bullets 10 8 4 LEATHER arm sling 37 40 2 675 GenSling bullets 30 9 3 LEATHER expert sling 49 50 2 1235 GenSling bullets 40 13 3 LEATHER hopak 61 60 10 3255 GenSling bullets 20 21 5 LEATHER master sling 73 70 2 2340 GenSling bullets 50 18 4 LEATHER legendary sling 85 80 2 3300 GenSling bullets 50 22 4 LEATHER practice shortbow 3 60 7 27 GenBow arrows 20 2 1 practice longbow 9 80 10 133 GenBow arrows 20 4 3 composite shortbow 15 70 7 320 GenBow arrows 20 8 2 composite longbow 21 90 10 600 GenBow arrows 20 10 4 recurve shortbow 27 80 7 933 GenBow arrows 20 14 3 recurve longbow 33 100 10 1250 GenBow arrows 20 15 5 expert shortbow 39 90 7 2053 GenBow arrows 20 22 3 expert longbow 45 110 10 2347 GenBow arrows 20 22 5 short war bow 51 100 7 3383 GenBow arrows 20 29 3 long war bow 57 120 10 4000 GenBow arrows 20 30 5 siege bow 63 150 20 5390 GenBow arrows 20 33 8 master shortbow 69 110 7 5550 GenBow arrows 20 37 4 master longbow 75 130 10 6333 GenBow arrows 20 38 6 legendary shortbow 81 120 7 6667 GenBow arrows 20 40 5 legendary longbow 87 140 10 7517 GenBow arrows 20 41 7 simple light % crossbow 5 80 15 640 GenBow bolts 2 12 2 basic light % crossbow 17 90 15 3150 GenBow bolts 2 27 4 light % siege crossbow 29 100 20 8550 GenBow bolts 2 45 6 light % repeating siege crossbow 41 160 20 2917 GenBow bolts 30 25 5 master light % crossbow 53 120 15 14880 GenBow bolts 3 62 5 master light % repeating crossbow 65 180 15 6370 GenBow bolts 30 39 5 legendary light % crossbow 77 140 15 31280 GenBow bolts 3 92 5 legendary light % repeating crossbow 89 200 15 11520 GenBow bolts 30 54 5 basic heavy % crossbow 11 90 25 6133 GenBow bolts 1 40 3 expert heavy % crossbow 35 120 25 36000 GenBow bolts 1 100 4 master heavy % crossbow 59 150 25 83093 GenBow bolts 1 152 6 legendary heavy % crossbow 83 180 25 148240 GenBow bolts 1 204 7 pack of 20 arrows 3 5 2 3 GenAmmunition arrows 20 pack of 50 arrows 6 6 5 18 GenAmmunition arrows 50 pack of 20 flint arrows 9 6 2 11 GenAmmunition arrows 20 FLINT PROP_ADDDAMAGE;15% PIERCING pack of 100 arrows 12 7 10 84 GenAmmunition arrows 100 pack of 50 flint arrows 15 7 5 53 GenAmmunition arrows 50 FLINT PROP_ADDDAMAGE;15% PIERCING pack of 20 blunted arrows 18 7 2 25 GenAmmunition arrows 20 LEAD PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% BASHING pack of 250 arrows 21 8 25 420 GenAmmunition arrows 250 pack of 100 flint arrows 24 8 10 192 GenAmmunition arrows 100 FLINT PROP_ADDDAMAGE;15% PIERCING pack of 50 blunted arrows 27 8 5 108 GenAmmunition arrows 50 LEAD PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% BASHING pack of 20 sharp arrows 30 8 2 48 GenAmmunition arrows 20 IRON PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% PIERCING pack of 500 arrows 33 9 50 1485 GenAmmunition arrows 500 pack of 250 flint arrows 36 9 25 810 GenAmmunition arrows 250 FLINT PROP_ADDDAMAGE;15% PIERCING pack of 100 blunted arrows 39 9 10 351 GenAmmunition arrows 100 LEAD PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% BASHING pack of 50 sharp arrows 42 9 5 189 GenAmmunition arrows 50 IRON PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% PIERCING pack of 20 steel-tipped arrows 45 9 2 81 GenAmmunition arrows 20 STEEL PROP_ADDDAMAGE;45% PIERCING pack of 500 flint arrows 48 10 50 2400 GenAmmunition arrows 500 FLINT PROP_ADDDAMAGE;15% PIERCING pack of 250 blunted arrows 51 10 25 1275 GenAmmunition arrows 250 LEAD PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% BASHING pack of 100 sharp arrows 54 10 10 540 GenAmmunition arrows 100 IRON PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% PIERCING pack of 50 steel-tipped arrows 57 10 5 285 GenAmmunition arrows 50 STEEL PROP_ADDDAMAGE;45% PIERCING pack of 20 mithril-tipped arrows 60 10 2 120 GenAmmunition arrows 20 MITHRIL PROP_ADDDAMAGE;60% PIERCING pack of 500 blunted arrows 63 11 50 3465 GenAmmunition arrows 500 LEAD PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% BASHING pack of 250 sharp arrows 66 11 25 1815 GenAmmunition arrows 250 IRON PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% PIERCING pack of 100 steel-tipped arrows 69 11 10 759 GenAmmunition arrows 100 STEEL PROP_ADDDAMAGE;45% PIERCING pack of 50 mithril-tipped arrows 72 11 5 396 GenAmmunition arrows 50 MITHRIL PROP_ADDDAMAGE;60% PIERCING pack of 20 adamantite-tipped arrows 75 11 2 165 GenAmmunition arrows 20 ADAMANTITE PROP_ADDDAMAGE;75% PIERCING pack of 500 sharp arrows 78 12 50 4680 GenAmmunition arrows 500 IRON PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% PIERCING pack of 250 steel-tipped arrows 81 12 25 2430 GenAmmunition arrows 250 STEEL PROP_ADDDAMAGE;45% PIERCING pack of 100 mithril-tipped arrows 84 12 10 1008 GenAmmunition arrows 100 MITHRIL PROP_ADDDAMAGE;60% PIERCING pack of 50 adamantite-tipped arrows 87 12 5 522 GenAmmunition arrows 50 ADAMANTITE PROP_ADDDAMAGE;75% PIERCING pack of 500 steel-tipped arrows 87 13 50 5655 GenAmmunition arrows 500 STEEL PROP_ADDDAMAGE;45% PIERCING pack of 20 bolts 5 5 2 5 GenAmmunition bolts 20 pack of 50 bolts 8 6 5 24 GenAmmunition bolts 50 pack of 20 flint bolts 11 6 2 13 GenAmmunition bolts 20 FLINT PROP_ADDDAMAGE;15% PIERCING pack of 100 bolts 14 7 10 98 GenAmmunition bolts 100 pack of 50 flint bolts 17 7 5 60 GenAmmunition bolts 50 FLINT PROP_ADDDAMAGE;15% PIERCING pack of 20 blunted bolts 20 7 2 28 GenAmmunition bolts 20 LEAD PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% BASHING pack of 250 bolts 23 8 25 460 GenAmmunition bolts 250 pack of 100 flint bolts 26 8 10 208 GenAmmunition bolts 100 FLINT PROP_ADDDAMAGE;15% PIERCING pack of 50 blunted bolts 29 8 5 116 GenAmmunition bolts 50 LEAD PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% BASHING pack of 20 sharp bolts 32 8 2 51 GenAmmunition bolts 20 IRON PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% PIERCING pack of 500 bolts 35 9 50 1575 GenAmmunition bolts 500 pack of 250 flint bolts 38 9 25 855 GenAmmunition bolts 250 FLINT PROP_ADDDAMAGE;15% PIERCING pack of 100 blunted bolts 41 9 10 369 GenAmmunition bolts 100 LEAD PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% BASHING pack of 50 sharp bolts 44 9 5 198 GenAmmunition bolts 50 IRON PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% PIERCING pack of 20 steel-tipped bolts 47 9 2 85 GenAmmunition bolts 20 STEEL PROP_ADDDAMAGE;45% PIERCING pack of 500 flint bolts 50 10 50 2500 GenAmmunition bolts 500 FLINT PROP_ADDDAMAGE;15% PIERCING pack of 250 blunted bolts 53 10 25 1325 GenAmmunition bolts 250 LEAD PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% BASHING pack of 100 sharp bolts 56 10 10 560 GenAmmunition bolts 100 IRON PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% PIERCING pack of 50 steel-tipped bolts 59 10 5 295 GenAmmunition bolts 50 STEEL PROP_ADDDAMAGE;45% PIERCING pack of 20 mithril-tipped bolts 62 10 2 124 GenAmmunition bolts 20 MITHRIL PROP_ADDDAMAGE;60% PIERCING pack of 500 blunted bolts 65 11 50 3575 GenAmmunition bolts 500 LEAD PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% BASHING pack of 250 sharp bolts 68 11 25 1870 GenAmmunition bolts 250 IRON PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% PIERCING pack of 100 steel-tipped bolts 71 11 10 781 GenAmmunition bolts 100 STEEL PROP_ADDDAMAGE;45% PIERCING pack of 50 mithril-tipped bolts 74 11 5 407 GenAmmunition bolts 50 MITHRIL PROP_ADDDAMAGE;60% PIERCING pack of 20 adamantite-tipped bolts 77 11 2 169 GenAmmunition bolts 20 ADAMANTITE PROP_ADDDAMAGE;75% PIERCING pack of 500 sharp bolts 80 12 50 4800 GenAmmunition bolts 500 IRON PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% PIERCING pack of 250 steel-tipped bolts 83 12 25 2490 GenAmmunition bolts 250 STEEL PROP_ADDDAMAGE;45% PIERCING pack of 100 mithril-tipped bolts 86 12 10 1032 GenAmmunition bolts 100 MITHRIL PROP_ADDDAMAGE;60% PIERCING pack of 50 adamantite-tipped bolts 89 12 5 534 GenAmmunition bolts 50 ADAMANTITE PROP_ADDDAMAGE;75% PIERCING pack of 20 bullets 1 2 (onground:consumed:1:STONE:) 1 GenAmmunition bullets 20 pack of 50 bullets 4 3 (onground:consumed:3:STONE:) 6 GenAmmunition bullets 50 pack of 20 granite bullets 7 3 (onground:consumed:1:GRANITE:) 4 GenAmmunition bullets 20 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;15% BASHING pack of 100 bullets 11 4 (onground:consumed:5:STONE:) 44 GenAmmunition bullets 100 pack of 50 granite bullets 14 4 (onground:consumed:3:GRANITE:) 28 GenAmmunition bullets 50 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;15% BASHING pack of 20 dirt bullets 17 3 (onground:consumed:1:DIRT:) 10 GenAmmunition bullets 20 PROP_FIGHTSPELLCAST;50% SKILL_DIRT pack of 250 bullets 20 7 (onground:consumed:13:STONE:) 350 GenAmmunition bullets 250 pack of 100 granite bullets 23 5 (onground:consumed:5:GRANITE:) 115 GenAmmunition bullets 100 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;15% BASHING pack of 50 dirt bullets 26 4 (onground:consumed:3:DIRT:) 52 GenAmmunition bullets 50 PROP_FIGHTSPELLCAST;50% SKILL_DIRT pack of 20 obsidian bullets 29 3 (onground:consumed:1:OBSIDIAN:) 17 GenAmmunition bullets 20 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% SLASHING pack of 500 bullets 32 7 (onground:consumed:25:STONE:) 1120 GenAmmunition bullets 500 pack of 250 granite bullets 35 5 (onground:consumed:13:GRANITE:) 438 GenAmmunition bullets 250 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;15% BASHING pack of 100 dirt bullets 38 5 (onground:consumed:5:DIRT:) 190 GenAmmunition bullets 100 PROP_FIGHTSPELLCAST;50% SKILL_DIRT pack of 50 obsidian bullets 41 4 (onground:consumed:3:OBSIDIAN:) 82 GenAmmunition bullets 50 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% SLASHING pack of 20 iron bullets 44 4 (onground:consumed:1:IRON:) 35 GenAmmunition bullets 20 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;60% BASHING pack of 500 granite bullets 47 8 (onground:consumed:25:GRANITE:) 1880 GenAmmunition bullets 500 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;15% BASHING pack of 250 dirt bullets 50 6 (onground:consumed:13:DIRT:) 750 GenAmmunition bullets 250 PROP_FIGHTSPELLCAST;50% SKILL_DIRT pack of 100 obsidian bullets 53 5 (onground:consumed:5:OBSIDIAN:) 265 GenAmmunition bullets 100 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% SLASHING pack of 50 iron bullets 56 5 (onground:consumed:3:IRON:) 140 GenAmmunition bullets 50 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;60% BASHING pack of 20 fire bullets 59 4 (onground:consumed:1:COAL:) 47 GenAmmunition bullets 20 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;45% BURNING pack of 500 dirt bullets 62 6 (onground:consumed:25:DIRT:) 1860 GenAmmunition bullets 500 PROP_FIGHTSPELLCAST;50% SKILL_DIRT pack of 250 obsidian bullets 65 6 (onground:consumed:13:OBSIDIAN:) 975 GenAmmunition bullets 250 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% SLASHING pack of 100 iron bullets 68 6 (onground:consumed:5:IRON:) 408 GenAmmunition bullets 100 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;60% BASHING pack of 50 fire bullets 71 5 (onground:consumed:3:COAL:) 178 GenAmmunition bullets 50 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;45% BURNING pack of 20 adamantite bullets 74 5 (onground:consumed:1:ADAMANTITE:) 74 GenAmmunition bullets 20 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;75% BASHING pack of 500 obsidian bullets 77 7 (onground:consumed:25:OBSIDIAN:) 2695 GenAmmunition bullets 500 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% SLASHING pack of 250 iron bullets 80 6 (onground:consumed:13:IRON:) 1200 GenAmmunition bullets 250 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;60% BASHING pack of 100 fire bullets 83 6 (onground:consumed:5:COAL:) 498 GenAmmunition bullets 100 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;45% BURNING pack of 50 adamantite bullets 86 6 (onground:consumed:3:ADAMANTITE:) 258 GenAmmunition bullets 50 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;75% BASHING pack of 500 iron bullets 89 7 (onground:consumed:25:IRON:) 3115 GenAmmunition bullets 500 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;60% BASHING pack of 250 fire bullets 92 7 (onground:consumed:13:COAL:) 1610 GenAmmunition bullets 250 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;45% BURNING pack of 20 darts 2 4 1 2 GenAmmunition darts 20 pack of 20 copper-tipped darts 8 5 1 8 GenAmmunition darts 20 COPPER PROP_ADDDAMAGE;15% PIERCING pack of 20 barbed darts 17 5 1 17 GenAmmunition darts 20 IRON PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% SLASHING pack of 20 steel-tipped darts 29 5 1 29 GenAmmunition darts 20 STEEL PROP_ADDDAMAGE;45% PIERCING pack of 20 sleep darts 44 5 1 44 GenAmmunition darts 20 MUSHROOMS PROP_FIGHTSPELLCAST;50% SPELL_SLEEP pack of 20 mithril-tipped darts 59 6 1 71 GenAmmunition darts 20 MITHRIL PROP_ADDDAMAGE;60% PIERCING pack of 20 adamantite-tipped darts 74 7 1 104 GenAmmunition darts 20 ADAMANTITE PROP_ADDDAMAGE;75% PIERCING pack of 50 darts 5 5 3 13 GenAmmunition darts 50 pack of 50 copper-tipped darts 14 6 3 42 GenAmmunition darts 50 COPPER PROP_ADDDAMAGE;15% PIERCING pack of 50 barbed darts 26 6 3 78 GenAmmunition darts 50 IRON PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% SLASHING pack of 50 steel-tipped darts 41 6 3 123 GenAmmunition darts 50 STEEL PROP_ADDDAMAGE;45% PIERCING pack of 50 sleep darts 56 6 3 168 GenAmmunition darts 50 MUSHROOMS PROP_FIGHTSPELLCAST;50% SPELL_SLEEP pack of 50 mithril-tipped darts 71 7 3 249 GenAmmunition darts 50 MITHRIL PROP_ADDDAMAGE;60% PIERCING pack of 50 adamantite-tipped darts 86 8 3 344 GenAmmunition darts 50 ADAMANTITE PROP_ADDDAMAGE;75% PIERCING pack of 100 darts 11 6 5 66 GenAmmunition darts 100 pack of 100 copper-tipped darts 23 7 5 161 GenAmmunition darts 100 COPPER PROP_ADDDAMAGE;15% PIERCING pack of 100 barbed darts 38 7 5 266 GenAmmunition darts 100 IRON PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% SLASHING pack of 100 steel-tipped darts 53 7 5 371 GenAmmunition darts 100 STEEL PROP_ADDDAMAGE;45% PIERCING pack of 100 sleep darts 68 7 5 476 GenAmmunition darts 100 MUSHROOMS PROP_FIGHTSPELLCAST;50% SPELL_SLEEP pack of 100 mithril-tipped darts 83 8 5 664 GenAmmunition darts 100 MITHRIL PROP_ADDDAMAGE;60% PIERCING pack of 250 darts 20 7 13 350 GenAmmunition darts 250 pack of 250 copper-tipped darts 35 8 13 700 GenAmmunition darts 250 COPPER PROP_ADDDAMAGE;15% PIERCING pack of 250 barbed darts 50 8 13 1000 GenAmmunition darts 250 IRON PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% SLASHING pack of 250 steel-tipped darts 65 8 13 1300 GenAmmunition darts 250 STEEL PROP_ADDDAMAGE;45% PIERCING pack of 250 sleep darts 80 8 13 1600 GenAmmunition darts 250 MUSHROOMS PROP_FIGHTSPELLCAST;50% SPELL_SLEEP pack of 250 mithril-tipped darts 92 9 13 2070 GenAmmunition darts 250 MITHRIL PROP_ADDDAMAGE;60% PIERCING pack of 500 darts 32 8 25 1280 GenAmmunition darts 500 pack of 500 copper-tipped darts 47 9 25 2115 GenAmmunition darts 500 COPPER PROP_ADDDAMAGE;15% PIERCING pack of 500 barbed darts 62 9 25 2790 GenAmmunition darts 500 IRON PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% SLASHING pack of 500 steel-tipped darts 77 9 25 3465 GenAmmunition darts 500 STEEL PROP_ADDDAMAGE;45% PIERCING pack of 500 sleep darts 89 9 25 4005 GenAmmunition darts 500 MUSHROOMS PROP_FIGHTSPELLCAST;50% SPELL_SLEEP pack of 20 oak javelins 4 10 (onground:consumed:10:OAK:) 8 GenAmmunition javelins 20 pack of 20 lead javelins 10 11 (onground:consumed:10:LEAD:) 22 GenAmmunition javelins 20 PROP_FIGHTSPELLCAST;25% PRAYER_CAUSEFATIGUE pack of 20 iron javelins 19 11 (onground:consumed:10:IRON:) 42 GenAmmunition javelins 20 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;15% PIERCING pack of 20 ironwood javelins 31 12 (onground:consumed:10:IRONWOOD:) 74 GenAmmunition javelins 20 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% PIERCING pack of 20 steel javelins 46 12 (onground:consumed:10:STEEL:) 110 GenAmmunition javelins 20 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;45% PIERCING pack of 20 mithril javelins 61 12 (onground:consumed:10:MITHRIL:) 146 GenAmmunition javelins 20 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;60% PIERCING pack of 20 adamantite javelins 76 13 (onground:consumed:10:ADAMANTITE:) 198 GenAmmunition javelins 20 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;75% PIERCING pack of 50 oak javelins 7 13 (onground:consumed:25:OAK:) 46 GenAmmunition javelins 50 pack of 50 lead javelins 16 13 (onground:consumed:25:LEAD:) 104 GenAmmunition javelins 50 PROP_FIGHTSPELLCAST;25% PRAYER_CAUSEFATIGUE pack of 50 iron javelins 28 13 (onground:consumed:25:IRON:) 182 GenAmmunition javelins 50 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;15% PIERCING pack of 50 ironwood javelins 43 14 (onground:consumed:25:IRONWOOD:) 301 GenAmmunition javelins 50 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% PIERCING pack of 50 steel javelins 58 14 (onground:consumed:25:STEEL:) 406 GenAmmunition javelins 50 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;45% PIERCING pack of 50 mithril javelins 73 14 (onground:consumed:25:MITHRIL:) 511 GenAmmunition javelins 50 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;60% PIERCING pack of 50 adamantite javelins 88 14 (onground:consumed:25:ADAMANTITE:) 616 GenAmmunition javelins 50 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;75% PIERCING pack of 100 oak javelins 13 15 (onground:consumed:50:OAK:) 195 GenAmmunition javelins 100 pack of 100 lead javelins 25 15 (onground:consumed:50:LEAD:) 375 GenAmmunition javelins 100 PROP_FIGHTSPELLCAST;25% PRAYER_CAUSEFATIGUE pack of 100 iron javelins 40 15 (onground:consumed:50:IRON:) 600 GenAmmunition javelins 100 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;15% PIERCING pack of 100 ironwood javelins 55 15 (onground:consumed:50:IRONWOOD:) 825 GenAmmunition javelins 100 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% PIERCING pack of 100 steel javelins 70 16 (onground:consumed:50:STEEL:) 1120 GenAmmunition javelins 100 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;45% PIERCING pack of 100 mithril javelins 85 16 (onground:consumed:50:MITHRIL:) 1360 GenAmmunition javelins 100 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;60% PIERCING pack of 250 oak javelins 22 16 (onground:consumed:125:OAK:) 880 GenAmmunition javelins 250 pack of 250 lead javelins 37 16 (onground:consumed:125:LEAD:) 1480 GenAmmunition javelins 250 PROP_FIGHTSPELLCAST;25% PRAYER_CAUSEFATIGUE pack of 250 iron javelins 52 17 (onground:consumed:125:IRON:) 2210 GenAmmunition javelins 250 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;15% PIERCING pack of 250 ironwood javelins 67 17 (onground:consumed:125:IRONWOOD:) 2848 GenAmmunition javelins 250 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% PIERCING pack of 250 steel javelins 82 17 (onground:consumed:125:STEEL:) 3485 GenAmmunition javelins 250 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;45% PIERCING pack of 500 oak javelins 34 17 (onground:consumed:250:OAK:) 2890 GenAmmunition javelins 500 pack of 500 lead javelins 49 18 (onground:consumed:250:LEAD:) 4410 GenAmmunition javelins 500 PROP_FIGHTSPELLCAST;25% PRAYER_CAUSEFATIGUE pack of 500 iron javelins 64 18 (onground:consumed:250:IRON:) 5760 GenAmmunition javelins 500 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;15% PIERCING pack of 500 ironwood javelins 79 18 (onground:consumed:250:IRONWOOD:) 7110 GenAmmunition javelins 500 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;30% PIERCING pack of 500 steel javelins 91 18 (onground:consumed:250:STEEL:) 8190 GenAmmunition javelins 500 PROP_ADDDAMAGE;45% PIERCING