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=CoffeeMUD Player Information=
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==CoffeeMUD Classes==
Bard        Cleric        Commoner        Druid        Fighter        Mage        Thief       
===CoffeeMUD Cleric Classes===
Cleric        Doomsayer        Healer        Missionary        Necromancer        Oracle        Purist        Shaman        Templar       


Clerics are the disciples of the deities, and spread the word and faith of the deities across the world. In turn for their fidelity, clerics are provided powerful divine prayers in accordance with their order's practice.

Prime Abilities


Cleric Subclass Alignment/Inclination Matrix

GOOD Healer Oracle Purist
NEUTRAL Shaman Missionary
EVIL Doomsayer Necromancer Templar

The Cleric class has access to prayers options from all alignments/inclinations. Auto-granted cleric abilities are based on the cleric's current alignment/inclination.


  • If you wish to use the PRAY social, then proceed the command with the forced-social command (comma) like ,PRAY.