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=CoffeeMUD Builder Information=
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Targets: Areas
Parameters: (/CUSTOM/"FILENAME")(;"LAW KEY"="LAW VALUE" ...)
Examples: custom


custom;JUDGE="justice judge" OFFICERS="cityguard police"

Description: This powerful behavior allows you to set up the enforcement of laws inside of a city. The only parameter is the name of an ini file in the resources directory. If left blank, the default laws.ini file will be used. The ini file specifies the judges, enforcement mobs, the laws and their punishments, and the location of jails. The messages seen by the criminals is also contained therein. The word custom may also be placed in the parameters in order to make the area laws changeable using either a StdLawBook or a GenLawBook.


  • For more help in setting up a legal system, see SetupLegal.
  • Players really hate the armed citizen law. Consider moving the recall room outside of the area with arrest behavior or providing a two-room buffer for the recall room where no other mobs may enter to reduce the probability of them being reported for being armed when they recall. Both of these rooms should prevent combat and prevent mob entry (prop_ReqNoMOB).