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This page has all of the current base Landscaping recipes as of 3/8/2019.

Landscaping Recipes

Level Title Materials Amount Materials Type Description Special Requirements Notes
1 Plains 1000 Vegetation Turns a place into a flat green one.
1 Description 0 Long elaborate description of the room details.
35 Kes Grove 250 Carrots Makes an cave room only produce kes resources. Delver This is a special type of carrot that is grown in caves.

Draft List

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description 1 10 0 DESC NA - - description Long elaborate description of the room details. title 1 15 0 TITLE NA - - title Brief 1-6 word description of a room. wall 1 25 0 DIRUPDOWN CAVEONLY INDOOR WALL NA - wall @x1 Blocks entry/exit between two caves. demolish 1 200 0 DIRUPDOWN DEMOLISH - demolishing Demolishes something, which has different effects. room 3 145 0 DIRUPDOWN CAVEONLY EXCAVATE CaveRoom 0 new room @x1 Excavates a new room in the given direction. archway 5 25 200 CAVEONLY DIR NOWALL DOOR GenExit archway archway @x1 A special kind of open passageway between two cave rooms. shallow water 7 35 0 CAVEONLY ROOM WetCaveRoom 0 shallow water Turns a room into a very wet one. light boulder 10 15 50 CAVEONLY DIRUPDOWN NOWALL DOOR GenDoor light boulder|push aside|set in place|A light boulder blocks your way. light boulder closure @x1 Very low level openable exit between two rooms. small maze 15 190 1500 CAVEONLY ROOM CaveMaze 3 small maze frame and roof Turns a room into a small series of twists and turns. swimming pool 17 160 0 CAVEONLY ROOM IndoorWaterSurface 0 pool Turns a room into one of water to swim through. solid boulder 20 20 25 CAVEONLY DIRUPDOWN NOWALL DOOR GenDoor solid boulder|push aside|set in place|A solid boulder blocks your way. solid boulder closure @x1 Low level openable exit between two rooms. medium maze 23 215 2500 CAVEONLY ROOM CaveMaze 5 maze frame and roof Turns a room into a series of twists and turns. crawlway 25 25 0 CAVEONLY DIRUPDOWN NOWALL DOOR GenExit crawlway Prop_Crawlspace crawlway @x1 Exit between two indoor places you crawl through. deep pool 27 200 0 CAVEONLY ROOM IndoorWaterSurface 1 pool Turns a room into one of deep water to swim through and under. big maze 30 240 3500 CAVEONLY ROOM CaveMaze 7 large maze frame and roof Turns a room into numerous series of twists and turns. cavern 33 235 0 DIRUPDOWN CAVEONLY EXCAVATE LargeCaveRoom new cavern @x1 Excavates a new narrow room in a given direction. ventilation shaft 35 65 0 CAVEONLY DIRUPDOWN EXCAVATE CaveRoom Prop_Crawlspace narrow passage @x1 Excavates a new tall room in a given direction. huge maze 37 265 4500 CAVEONLY ROOM CaveMaze 9 huge maze frame and roof Turns a room into many series of twists and turns. heavy boulder 40 50 50 CAVEONLY DIRUPDOWN NOWALL DOOR GenDoor heavy boulder|push aside|set in place|A heavy boulder blocks your way. heavy boulder closure @x1 Moderate level openable exit between two rooms. small wet maze 45 240 2000 CAVEONLY ROOM WetCaveMaze 3 small damp maze frame and roof Turns a room into a small, damp series of twists and turns. very deep pool 47 400 0 CAVEONLY ROOM IndoorWaterSurface 2 pool Turns a room into one of very deep water to swim through and under. sliding boulder 50 150 40 CAVEONLY DIRUPDOWN NOWALL DOOR GenDoor sliding boulder|slide open|slide close|A sliding boulder blocks your way. sliding boulder closure @x1 High level openable exit between two rooms. medium wet maze 53 255 3000 CAVEONLY ROOM WetCaveMaze 5 damp maze frame and roof Turns a room into a damp series of twists and turns. big wet maze 60 280 4000 CAVEONLY ROOM WetCaveMaze 7 large damp maze frame and roof Turns a room into a numerouse damp series of twists and turns. cliff race 65 300 1000 DIRUPDOWN CAVEONLY EXCAVATE CaveSurface cliff face @x1 Creates a room that requires climbing or flight. huge wet maze 67 305 5000 CAVEONLY ROOM WetCaveMaze 9 huge damp maze frame and roof Turns a room into many damp series of twists and turns. massive boulder 70 75 100 CAVEONLY DIRUPDOWN NOWALL DOOR GenDoor massive boulder|push aside|set in place|A massive boulder blocks your way. massive boulder closure @x1 Very high level openable exit between two rooms. concealed boulder 75 100 150 CAVEONLY DIRUPDOWN NOWALL DOOR GenDoor concealed boulder|push aside|set in place|A concealed boulder blocks your way. Prop_Hidden concealed boulder closure @x1 -BASECLASS +Thief High level hidden openable exit between two indoor places. escape tunnel 80 5000 5000 CAVEONLY DIRUPDOWN NODOWN EXCAVATE MountainSurface passageway outside @x1 Creates an exit to an external mountain surface, which requires flight or climbing to navigate. secret door 90 100 200 CAVEONLY DIRUPDOWN NOWALL DOOR GenDoor secret door Prop_Hidden secret door @x1 -BASECLASS +Thief Very high level hidden openable exit between two indoor places. druidic monument 13 200 1000 CAVEONLY ITEM DruidicMonument druidic monument -ANYCLASS +Delver Constructs a spiritual druidic monument.