This page has all of the current base Landscaping recipes as of 3/8/2019.
Landscaping Recipes
Materials Amount
Materials Type
Special Requirements
Turns a place into a flat green one.
Long elaborate description of the room details.
Kes Grove
Makes an cave room only produce kes resources.
This is a special type of carrot that is grown in caves.
Draft List
Delete this list after putting into table format.
WikiTitle WikiLevel (time) WikiAmount (value) (type) (field6) (field7) (Special Affects)
% cup 1 20 1 1 GenEmptyDrink LIQUID 5
% bowl 1 20 1 1 GenEmptyDrink LIQUID|EATABLES 6
% key ring 2 10 1 1 GenContainer KEYS 100
% lumberjack saw 3 30 5 25 GenItem *Prop_ImproveGather;amt=2 skills=Chopping,MasterChopping
% plate 4 20 1 4 GenContainer EATABLES 5
% mug 5 20 1 5 GenEmptyDrink LIQUID 5
% pot 5 30 2 15 GenEmptyDrink LIQUID|EATABLES|RAWMATERIALS 15
% urn 5 20 2 10 GenContainer LID 2
% whisk 6 20 2 10 GenItem
% spoon 7 10 1 2 GenEmptyDrink LIQUID 1
% lantern 7 40 7 75 GenLantern 800
% sheep shears 8 25 4 25 GenItem *Prop_ImproveGather;amt=2 skills=Shearing,MasterShearing
% ornament 9 10 1 2 GenItem
% hook-hand 10 30 5 50 GenLimb
% pitcher 11 30 2 20 GenEmptyDrink LIQUID 15
% wand 12 40 1 10 GenWand 20
% lamp post 13 150 250 2000 GenFixture Spell_ContinualLight
% pan 14 30 2 20 GenContainer EATABLES|RAWMATERIALS 15
% gravy boat 15 15 2 10 GenEmptyDrink LIQUID 5
large % grill 16 120 80 3000 GenRideable 250 Burning
% hooded lantern 17 45 9 150 GenLantern 1600
% spatula 18 10 2 7 GenItem
% trashcan 18 20 20 30 GenContainer 250 Prop_Trashcan
% wind chimes 19 35 10 150 GenItem *Prop_MOBEmoter;PORTAL_ENTER_ROOM clanks melodiously in the breeze.
% fork 20 15 1 6 GenItem
% nose 20 40 2 36 GenLimb
small % bin 20 25 5 50 GenContainer 100
% figurine 21 120 1 60 GenItem STATUE
% wok 21 30 3 43 GenEmptyDrink LIQUID|EATABLES|RAWMATERIALS 25
% bucket 21 40 3 60 GenEmptyDrink LIQUID|EATABLES 50
% kitchen tongs 22 20 1 10 GenItem
% horseshoes 23 10 4 8 GenArmor 0:FEET 1 *Prop_WearOverride;-RACE +HORSE +CENTAUR
small % plate 24 10 1 5 GenContainer EATABLES 3
% can 25 12 1 6 GenEmptyDrink LIQUID 10
% sign 25 10 5 23 GenItem
% range 26 120 120 4500 GenContainer LID 50 Burning
% bullseye lantern 27 50 15 200 GenLantern 2400
% shelf 27 30 15 240 GenContainer 100
% chain 27 20 20 200 GenRideable LADDER 1
small % crib 27 40 20 430 GenContainer 50
expert % sheep shears 28 25 4 55 GenItem *Prop_ImproveGather;amt=3 skills=Shearing,MasterShearing
% eye 30 30 1 18 GenLimb
% kitchen shears 30 20 2 23 GenItem
% anvil 30 80 40 1900 GenItem
% fountain 30 100 500 5000 GenFountain 999999
% kettle 31 40 5 120 GenEmptyDrink LIQUID|EATABLES|RAWMATERIALS 75
expert % lumberjack saw 31 35 5 105 GenItem *Prop_ImproveGather;amt=3 skills=Chopping,MasterChopping
latching % key ring 32 10 2 11 GenContainer LID||KEYS 101
% bookshelf 32 35 15 310 GenContainer READABLES|SCROLLS 200
% six-sided die 33 40 1 25 GenDice 6
small % stool 33 20 5 60 GenChair CHAIR 1
% chair 33 40 10 250 GenChair CHAIR 1
% saucer 34 10 1 6 GenContainer DRINKABLES 5
% sign post 34 20 50 600 GenItem Spell_Enlarge
% four-sided die 35 50 1 32 GenDice 4
% goblet 35 30 2 40 GenEmptyDrink LIQUID 5
% ice box 35 60 50 1200 GenContainer LID||EATABLES 250 *Prop_IceBox;
% pipe 36 25 2 33 GenPipe 200
small % bed 36 25 25 405 GenBed BED 1
% grill 36 90 60 3500 GenRideable 100 Burning
% eight-sided die 37 50 1 34 GenDice 8
% ladder 37 40 20 10 GenRideable LADDER 0
% lamp 37 30 25 490 GenLantern 3600
% crib 37 45 30 900 GenContainer 150
% table 38 50 50 1700 GenRideable TABLE 2
% ten-sided die 39 60 1 41 GenDice 10
small % bench 39 20 10 130 GenChair CHAIR 2
% ear trumpet 40 40 5 136 GenLimb
% bin 40 30 25 500 GenContainer 1000
% twelve-sided die 41 70 1 49 GenDice 12
% canteen 41 30 3 61 GenEmptyDrink LIQUID|LID 10
% covered pot 41 40 4 110 GenEmptyDrink LIQUID|EATABLES|RAWMATERIALS|LID 30
% storage drum 41 10 10 61 GenEmptyDrink LIQUID 250
% statue 41 120 450 37500 GenItem STATUE
% potion rack 42 30 20 405 GenContainer DRINKABLES 100 Prop_NoPurge
% sarcophogus 42 40 200 5450 GenBed BED 500 Prop_NoPurge
% stool 43 20 5 66 GenChair CHAIR 1
% tub 43 60 100 4150 GenTub CHAIR 2000
% brazier 43 40 125 2500 GenFixture Spell_ContinualLight
% platter 44 25 3 51 GenContainer 20
% flask 45 25 2 35 GenEmptyDrink LIQUID|LID 5
% blacksmithing tongs 45 20 3 41 GenItem
small % chest 45 80 10 560 GenContainer LOCK 100
% bed 46 30 50 1035 GenBed BED 2
% stove 46 130 125 8000 GenContainer LID 75 Burning
% twenty-sided die 47 80 1 58 GenDice 20
% bench 49 40 20 560 GenChair CHAIR 4
% ladle 50 15 1 11 GenEmptyDrink LIQUID 2
% colander 50 20 1 15 GenItem
% jewelry box 50 35 5 125 GenContainer LOCK 10
% peg leg 50 30 20 20 GenLimb
% dutch oven 51 45 5 168 GenEmptyDrink LIQUID|EATABLES|RAWMATERIALS|LID 35
% storage rack 51 25 50 910 GenContainer 500
% armor rack 52 30 75 1650 GenContainer CLOTHES 2000 Prop_NoPurge
large % six-sided die 53 50 2 75 GenDice 6
% chandelier 53 90 500 10000 GenFixture Spell_ContinualLight
% serving tray 54 20 4 58 GenContainer 50
% candlestick 55 10 1 7 GenItem
large % four-sided die 55 60 2 90 GenDice 4
% chest 55 100 15 1150 GenContainer LOCK 250
large % ice box 55 120 150 6000 GenContainer LID||EATABLES 1000 *Prop_IceBox;
% phalactery 56 16 2 22 GenItem
queen-sized % bed 56 40 100 2800 GenBed BED 3
% furnace 56 140 150 12500 GenRideable 50 Burning
large % eight-sided die 57 60 2 88 GenDice 8
% altar 58 100 100 7400 GenRideable TABLE 150
large % ten-sided die 59 70 2 103 GenDice 10
master % sheep shears 59 30 5 108 GenItem *Prop_ImproveGather;amt=4 skills=Shearing,MasterShearing
large % bin 60 40 100 2910 GenContainer 5000
% measuring cup 61 20 1 15 GenEmptyDrink LIQUID 3
large % twelve-sided die 61 80 2 119 GenDice 12
master % lumberjack saw 61 40 6 178 GenItem *Prop_ImproveGather;amt=4 skills=Chopping,MasterChopping
large % storage drum 61 20 20 283 GenEmptyDrink LIQUID 1000
% weapon rack 62 30 50 1100 GenContainer SWORDS|OTHER WEAPONS 1000 Prop_NoPurge
% claw-foot tub 63 120 400 25000 GenTub CHAIR 1000
% charger 64 20 2 30 GenContainer 10
% anchor 64 30 75 1650 GenItem
small % grill 66 80 40 2500 GenRideable 20 Burning
King-sized % bed 66 50 150 5800 GenBed BED 4
% cabinet 67 40 50 1550 GenContainer LID 200
% sifter 68 20 1 16 GenItem
large % twenty-sided die 69 90 2 144 GenDice 20
Long % Bench 69 60 40 1900 GenChair CHAIR 8
large % chest 70 125 25 2500 GenContainer LOCK 500
% sink 70 80 100 5000 GenFountain 999
% pail 71 40 3 96 GenEmptyDrink LIQUID|EATABLES 40
% braiser 71 45 3 108 GenEmptyDrink LIQUID|EATABLES|RAWMATERIALS 30
% thirty-sided die 72 90 1 74 GenDice 30
% hat rack 72 15 10 115 GenContainer CLOTHES 20 Prop_NoPurge
% wall sconce 73 45 25 905 GenItem Spell_ContinualLight
% griddle 74 30 12 290 GenContainer EATABLES 25
% hundred-sided die 75 100 1 84 GenDice 100
huge % ice box 75 150 600 25000 GenContainer LID||EATABLES 5000 *Prop_IceBox;
great % range 76 150 150 12500 GenContainer LID 100 Burning
Four Poster % Bed 76 60 200 10000 GenBed BED 4
% strainer 77 15 1 13 GenItem
huge % bin 80 45 250 9400 GenContainer LID||EATABLES 25000
% double dutch oven 81 50 7 305 GenEmptyDrink LIQUID|EATABLES|RAWMATERIALS|LID 40
huge % storage drum 81 30 40 1000 GenEmptyDrink LIQUID 5000
% Colossus 81 4000 8000 26500000 GenItem STATUE Spell_Enlarge
ornate % sarcophagus 82 80 300 21000 GenBed BED 500 Prop_NoPurge
% Throne 83 135 25 3000 GenChair CHAIR 1
huge % chest 85 200 40 7200 GenContainer LOCK 1000
great % stove 86 160 200 15000 GenContainer LID 300 Burning
large % crib 87 50 50 2250 GenContainer 500
legendary % sheep shears 89 35 6 190 GenItem *Prop_ImproveGather;amt=5 skills=Shearing,MasterShearing
holy % ark 90 250 50 11500 GenContainer LID 500
legendary % lumberjack saw 91 50 7 325 GenItem *Prop_ImproveGather;amt=5 skills=Chopping,MasterChopping
% cauldron 91 60 10 550 GenEmptyDrink LIQUID|EATABLES|RAWMATERIALS 100