CoffeeMUD |
Administrator Builder Player |
=CoffeeMUD Builder Information= | |||
Basics | Praetor Player Support Commands Zapper Masks | Advanced | Races Classes Abilities Socials Scripting |
Building | Behaviors Properties Areas Rooms Exits Items Mobs | Systems | Achievements Crafting Help Info Ships Planes of Existence Quests Triumphs |
Rooms are the places MOBs go to in the MUD. A room can be indoors or outdoors, large or small.
Room Class Locale IDs
CaveGrid CaveMaze CaveRoom CaveSurface CityStreet ClimbableLedge ClimbableSurface Desert DesertGrid DesertMaze DesertThinGrid EndlessOcean EndlessSky EndlessThinOcean EndlessThinSky FrozenMountains FrozenPlains GreatLake GreatThinLake HideoutShelter Hills HillsGrid HillsThinGrid HotRoom IcePlains IceRoom IndoorInTheAir IndoorShallowWater IndoorUnderWater IndoorUnderWaterColumnGrid IndoorUnderWaterGrid IndoorUnderWaterThinGrid IndoorWaterSurface IndoorWaterSurfaceColumn IndoorWaterThinSurface InTheAir Jungle JungleGrid JungleThinGrid LargeCaveRoom LargeStoneRoom LargeWoodRoom LongerRoad LongestRoad LongRoad MagicFreeRoom MagicShelter MetalRoom MetalRoomMaze Mountains MountainsGrid MountainsMaze MountainsThinGrid MountainSurface MountainSurfaceGrid MountainSurfaceThinGrid OceanGrid OceanThinGrid OverTheLedge Plains PlainsGrid PlainsThinGrid Road RoadGrid RoadThinGrid SaltWaterSurface SaltWaterSurfaceColumn SaltWaterThinSurface SeaPort SewerMaze SewerRoom ShallowWater Shore SpacePort StdGrid StdMaze StdRoom StdThinGrid StoneGrid StoneMaze StoneRoom StoneThinGrid Swamp SwampGrid SwampThinGrid ThinRoom TreeSurface UnderSaltWater UnderSaltWaterColumnGrid UnderSaltWaterGrid UnderSaltWaterMaze UnderSaltWaterThinGrid UnderWater UnderWaterColumnGrid UnderWaterGrid UnderWaterMaze UnderWaterThinGrid WaterSurface WaterSurfaceColumn WaterThinSurface WetCaveGrid WetCaveMaze WetCaveRoom Whirlpool WoodenDeck WoodRoom WoodRoomGrid WoodRoomMaze WoodRoomThinGrid Woods WoodsGrid WoodsMaze WoodsThinGrid
Domain Locales
Grid Room considerations
- If you mismatch gridrooms adjacent to each other (like a 2x3 gridroom west of a 5x4 gridroom) you can make some non-Euclidean areas, which has the effect of confusing player maps. This is actually useful if you are trying to make a large area that is traditionally difficult to map due to lack of landmarks, such as deserts or oceans.
- If you place an item in the base gridroom (such as, in the grinder), the item will NOT flow down into any of the specific grids, and will not generally be accessible to players. Instead, consider giving the items to mobile MOBs in the room.
- If you add a MOB to a gridroom, make sure that they are mobile so they can leave the parent room into the individual grid rooms.
Special Room Designs
Bridge Rooms
When designing a room (Room#A) that goes over another room (Room#B), that a player cannot easily travel DOWN to (no path) but should be able to jump off a ledge to get down:
- Make sure there is no DOWN exit in Room#A (DESTROY DOWN)
- Create a new room below (CREATE ROOM DOWN OVERTHELEDGE) which we will call Room#C.
- Modify Room#C and provide it with a title, description and Prop_ReqNoMob (so your mobs won't randomly jump to their deaths).
- NOTE: If doing this via the command line, you might want to make sure you are flying before entering Room#C.
- Link Room#C to Room#B below (LINK Room#B DOWN).
- Make sure Room#B links UP to Room#A (this will allow players with a jumping ability to potentially reach Room#A).
- If Room#B already has a defined UP exit, you may need to DESTROY UP, and then LINK Room#A UP.
+Special Atmosphere Rooms=
In the command line, you can change the atmosphere of a room with the command MODIFY ROOM ATMOSPHERE <atmospheretype>.
Pages in category "ROOMS(BuilderInfo)"
The following 102 pages are in this category, out of 102 total.
- PokerDealer
- Prop AbsorbDamage
- Prop Climbable
- Prop ClosedDayNight
- Prop ClosedSeason
- Prop CommonTwister
- Prop Crawlspace
- Prop EnlargeRoom
- Prop EnterAdjuster
- Prop Fumble
- Prop HereAdjuster
- Prop HereEnabler
- Prop HereSpellCast
- Prop IceBox
- Prop ImproveGather
- Prop InstantDeath
- Prop ItemTransporter
- Prop ItemTransReceiver
- Prop LangTranslator
- Prop LanguageSpeaker
- Prop LimitedContents
- Prop LotForSale
- Prop LotsForSale
- Prop MagicFreedom
- Prop MOBEmoter
- Prop ModExperience
- Prop ModFaction
- Prop MoveRestrictor
- Prop MultiEffects
- Prop NarrowLedge
- Prop NoChannel
- Prop NoCharm
- Prop NoOrdering
- Prop NoPKill
- Prop NoPurge
- Prop NoRecall
- Prop NoSummon
- Prop NoTeleport
- Prop NoTeleportOut
- Prop NoTelling
- Prop PeaceMaker
- Prop PKCorpseLoot
- Prop PropSetter
- Prop QuestGiver
- Prop ReqAlignments
- Prop ReqCapacity
- Prop ReqClasses
- Prop ReqEntry
- Prop ReqHeight
- Prop ReqLevels
- Prop ReqNoMOB
- Prop ReqPKill
- Prop ReqRaces
- Prop ReqStat
- Prop ReqTattoo
- Prop RestrictSkills
- Prop RestrictSpells
- Prop RoomDark
- Prop RoomForSale
- Prop RoomLit
- Prop RoomPlusForSale
- Prop RoomRedirect
- Prop RoomsForSale
- Prop RoomUnmappable
- Prop RoomView
- Prop RoomWatch
- Prop Smell
- Prop Socials
- Prop Sounder
- Prop SparringRoom
- Prop SpellAdder
- Prop TattooAdder
- Prop Transporter
- Prop Trashcan
- Prop Uncampable
- Prop WeakBridge
- PuddleMaker