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Domain: Crafting
Available: Abjurer(5) Alterer(5) Arcanist(5) Artisan(1) Assassin(5) Barbarian(5) Bard(5) Beastmaster(5) Burglar(5) Charlatan(5) Cleric(5) Conjurer(5) Delver(5) Diviner(5) Doomsayer(5) Druid(5) Enchanter(5) Evoker(5) Fighter(5) Gaian(5) Healer(5) Illusionist(5) Jester(5) Mage(5) Mer(5) Minstrel(5) Missionary(5) Monk(5) Necromancer(5) Oracle(5) Paladin(5) Pirate(5) Dancer(5) Purist(5) Ranger(5) Scholar(5) Shaman(5) SkyWatcher(5) Templar(5) Thief(5) Transmuter(5) Trapper(5) Wizard(5)
Allows: Light Metalworking Durable Metalworking Quality Crafting Quick Worker Durable Crafting Light Crafting Advanced Crafting Quick Crafting Scrapping Quality Metalworking Master Armorsmithing
UseCost: Movement (5)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: armorsmith platemail shirt

armorsmith list

armorsmith list vest

armorsmith list left wrist

armorsmith list all

armorsmith info vest

armorsmith mend vest

armorsmith refit sleeves

armorsmith scan

armorsmith scan bob

armorsmith learn vest

Description: :This skill allows a player to craft armor pieces from metal. This skill requires Blacksmithing in order to learn it. The extent of the items which can be crafted expands as the player goes up in level. To begin smithing, the player must be in a room with an open fire burning, and must have placed the metal he or she wishes to make the item from on the ground. This command may also be used to mend damaged metal armors, get info on a list item, refit metal armors which are the wrong size, or learn to how to smith a found item, provided a blank recipe page, or recipe book with blank pages is in his or her inventory. The player may also scan the room or other players for equipment that may be mended by this skill, using the scan parameter. The raw metal for armorsmithing can be obtained using the Mining skill, and better metals through the Smelting skill. Using better metals will increase both the strength and the required level of the crafted item.

This skill also allows the player to learn how to smith an item he or she has found. To do this, the player needs to have a blank Recipe page, or a Recipe book with blank pages in his or her inventory.


Certain styles of armor are available within the armorsmithing skill that have specific meaning:

  • Arms location:
    • Armbands are see-thru, meaning you can see clothing worn on lower-level layers
    • Rearbraces are slightly bulkier (higher layer level) than other arm pieces
    • Pauldrons are much bulkier (higher layer level) than other arm pieces
    • Upperarm Cannons are slightly bulky (higher layer level) arm pieces that provide slightly more armor than other arm piece styles
  • Body location:
    • Coats are worn about the body location.
  • Feet location:
    • Socks are slightly less bulky (lower layer level) than other foot pieces
    • Boots can store dagger-type weapons (25 pounds total)
    • Sabatons are slightly bulkier (higher layer level) than other foot pieces
  • Hands location:
    • Handguards are see-thru, meaning you can see clothing worn on lower-level layers
    • Mitts and Gauntlets are slightly bulkier (higher layer level) than other hand pieces
    • Locking Gauntlets are slightly bulkier (higher layer level) than other hand pieces, and provide the wearer with an Irongrip affect.
  • Legs location:
    • Greaves are see-thru, meaning you can see clothing worn on lower-level layers
    • Skirts are slightly bulkier (higher layer level) than other leg pieces
    • Leg Cannons are slightly bulky (higher layer level) leg pieces that provide slightly more armor than other leg piece styles
  • Neck location:
    • Collars are see-thru, meaning you can see clothing worn on lower-level layers
    • Gorgets are slightly bulkier (higher layer level) than other neck pieces
  • Torso location:
    • Vests are see-thru, meaning you can see clothing worn on lower-level layers
    • Jerkins are slightly bulkier (higher layer level) than other chest pieces
    • Jackets cover arms and torso
    • Hauberks are slightly bulkier (higher layer level) jackets, which cover arms and torso
  • Wrist location:
    • Bracers are see-thru, meaning you can see clothing worn on lower-level layers
    • Vambraces can store dagger-type weapons (25 pounds total)
    • Lowerarm Cannons are slightly bulky (higher layer level) wristguards that provide slightly more armor than other wrist styles


  • Most shields are worn on the HELD location
  • Bucklers are lighter shields that are worn on the HANDS location (thereby enabling the use of that hand to hold a torch or other item while still wearing a shield)

Certain armors are specially made for the Equine Racial Category, and can be worn by Equines as long as they have the appropriate body part (even if it doesn't show up in the EQ LONG command):

  • Barding is worn on the body for horses
  • Chanfron is worn on the head for horses