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Revision as of 14:01, 14 September 2018 by Loki (talk | contribs)
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Domain: Crafting
Available: Abjurer(10) Alterer(10) Arcanist(10) Artisan(1) Assassin(10) Barbarian(10) Bard(10) Beastmaster(10) Burglar(10) Charlatan(10) Cleric(10) Conjurer(10) Delver(10) Diviner(10) Doomsayer(10) Druid(10) Enchanter(10) Evoker(10) Fighter(10) Gaian(10) Healer(10) Illusionist(10) Jester(10) Mage(10) Mer(10) Minstrel(10) Missionary(10) Monk(10) Necromancer(10) Oracle(10) Paladin(10) Pirate(10) Dancer(10) Purist(10) Ranger(10) Scholar(16) Shaman(10) SkyWatcher(10) Templar(10) Thief(10) Transmuter(10) Trapper(1) Wizard(10)
Allows: Light Sewing Master Butchering Quick Worker Advanced Crafting Quick Crafting Quality Sewing
UseCost: Movement (10)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: stuff body of an orc

stuff list

stuff list scary

stuff scary body of a horse

taxidermy list

Description: This skill allows a player to stuff a dead body with cloth, cotton, feathers, fur, or similar substances to make a light statue. To begin stuffing a body, the player must have placed the cloth he or she wishes to stuff with on the ground with the body. A pose for the body may optionally be specified. A list of valid poses may be obtained by entering TAXIDERMY LIST.

