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Domain: Nature Lore
Available: Abjurer(29) Alterer(29) Arcanist(29) Artisan(20) Assassin(29) Barbarian(29) Bard(29) Beastmaster(29) Burglar(29) Charlatan(29) Cleric(29) Conjurer(29) Delver(29) Diviner(29) Doomsayer(29) Druid(29) Enchanter(29) Evoker(29)

Fighter(29) Gaian(29) Gaoler(29) Healer(29) Illusionist(29) Jester(29) Mage(29) Mer(29) Minstrel(29) Missionary(29) Monk(29) Necromancer(29) Oracle(29) Paladin(29) Pirate(29) Dancer(29) Purist(29) Ranger(29) Sailor(29) Scholar(29) Shaman(29) SkyWatcher(29) Templar(29) Thief(29) Transmuter(29) Trapper(29) Wizard(29)

Allows: Quick Worker Nature Lore
UseCost: Movement (29)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: mherb some herbs
Description: Master Herbology is identical to Herbology, except that it is able to identify every herb in a bundle, or in a large group of herbs in the herbologists inventory. Like Herbology, the player may use this skill to identify herbs for the types that they are. This skill is quite necessary for Druids who wish to use their Herbalism skill, or Cooks who need particular herbs for recipes, but is fairly unnecessary for others. The raw herbs for herbology are obtained by using the Foraging skill.

