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Domain: Crafting
Available: Abjurer(10) Alterer(10) Arcanist(10) Artisan(9) Assassin(10) Barbarian(10) Bard(10) Beastmaster(10) Burglar(10) Charlatan(10) Cleric(10) Conjurer(10) Delver(10) Diviner(10) Doomsayer(10) Druid(10) Enchanter(10) Evoker(10) Fighter(10) Gaian(10) Gaoler(10) Healer(10) Illusionist(10) Jester(10) Mage(10) Mer(10) Minstrel(10) Missionary(10) Monk(10) Necromancer(10) Oracle(10) Paladin(10) Dancer(10) Purist(10) Ranger(10) Shaman(10) SkyWatcher(10) Templar(10) Thief(10) Transmuter(10) Trapper(10)
UseCost: Movement (10)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: SIEGECRAFT catapult


SIEGECRAFT list catapult


SIEGECRAFT learn catapult

Description: This skill allows a player to craft siege weapons for ship combat, such as trebuchets, catapults, and ballistas, as well as the necessary ammunitions (shots, boulders and bolts, respectively). The extent of the items which can be crafted expands as the player goes up in level. To begin siegcrafting, the player must have placed the wood he or she wishes to make the item from on the ground. The raw wood and stone for siegecraft is obtained by using the Chopping and Mining skills. Light seige weapons are anti-personnel only, damaging a ship's crew, but not the ship itself, and can hold multiple rounds of ammunition hitting multiple targets. Heavy siege weapons have longer range and do more damage. The player may also learn how to craft found items, provided a blank recipe page, or recipe book with blank pages is in his or her inventory. Bear in mind that many of these weapons are constructed in-place and may be difficult to be picked up and moved once completed.