Prop HaveAdjuster
CoffeeMUD |
Administrator Builder Player |
=CoffeeMUD Builder Information= | |||
Basics | Praetor Player Support Commands Zapper Masks | Advanced | Races Classes Abilities Socials Scripting |
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===Prop_HaveAdjuster=== | |
Effect: | Adjustments to stats when owned |
Targets: | Items |
Parameters: | statistic names followed by a +, -, or = and a value
The above parameters may be followed by an optional mask |
Examples: | str+2 dex-2 class=thief race=elf allset=aname-3
str+2 ableprofs="spell_fireball(10)" MASK=-Race +Dwarf |
Description: | So long as the item with this property is owned, the listed effects will be given to the owner. All parameters use the + or - adjuster, except the class, race, gender, ableprofs, and ablelvls parameters. Valid parameters are as follows:
strength dexterity constitution charisma wisdom intelligence maxstr maxdex maxcon maxcha maxwis maxint (maximum trainable) savepar savefir savecol savewat savegas savemin savegen savejus saveaci saveele savepoi saveund savemag savedis savetra ability (magical level), armor, attacks (prowess), damage (max), disposition (see AHELP ADJDISPOSITION), level, rejuv(!NO!), senses (see AHELP ADJSENSES), speed (#attacks), height, weight, ambiance+,gender, class, race, hitpoints, hunger (stomach size), mana, movement, thirst (stomach size) conversion weightadj saveblunt savepierce saveslash savespells saveprayers savesongs savechants critpctweapons critpctmagic critdmgweapons critdmgmagic faith rejuvrate xpadjpct. Ableprofs and ablelvls is a commma-delimited list of ablityids followed by a number in parenthesis to adjust proficiency or casting level by.
By default, the values + or - are added to the existing values. However, if MULTIPLYPH=true is included in the parameters, then attack, armor, and damage will instead have their values multiplied by the given value / 100. Likewise, if MULTIPLYCH=true is included, then hitpoints, mana, and movement are similarly multiplied instead of added. All other values act the same. Parameters may also include ALLSET="SET_NAME"-"NUMBER" where SET_NAME is a arbitrary un-spaced name of the set to which the item belongs. Only when "NUMBER" items in that set are possessed (or worn for Prop_WearAdjuster) will all of the stats be adjusted according to their parameters.
The parameters may also END with the key word MASK= followed by a mask. This mask will select which kinds of mobs and players will be affected by this property. See ZAPPERMASKS for more information on zapper mask syntax. |
Use the numerical bitcode for the desired senses to be added. You may add senses together to get a combination of senses. use the syntax SENSES+# as your Prop_HaveAdjuster parameter.
Parameter | Sense | Effect |
1 | Cause Blindness | Owner of item cannot see |
2 | See Hidden | Owner of item can see hidden items, exits and mobs. |
4 | See Invisible | Owner of item can see invisible items, exits and mobs |
8 | See Evil | Owner of item can see evil auras |
16 | See Good | Owner of item can see good auras |
32 | See Sneakers | Owner of item can see mobs that sneak into the room. |
64 | See Magic | Owner of item can see magic auras |
128 | Darkvision | Owner of item can see in dark rooms as if they were lit |
256 | Infravision | Owner of item can see heat auras of living mobs in dark rooms |
512 | Causes Deafness | Owner of item becomes deaf, unable to hear |
1012 | Causes Paralyzation | Owner of item becomes unable to move. Use this with caution, because as long as they own the item, they will be helpless. |
2024 | Deadens Smell | Owner of item becomes unable to receive odor emotes or SNIFF to determine aromas. |
4096 | Disallows Eating | Owner of item becomes unable to eat |
8192 | Causes Muteness | Owner of item becomes unable to speak, which may affect which abilities they may use |
16384 | Causes Choking | Owner of the item starts choking, losing an increasing amount of hit points as time passes |
32768 | Detect Victims | |
65536 | Detect Metal | Owner of item can see metal auras |
131072 | Befuddles the mind | |
262144 | Occupies time | |
524288 | Prevents auto attacking | |
1048576 | Prevents camping |
- Never use REJUV in an adjuster. It will not bode well.