Twilight Haven Woods

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===Twilight Haven Woods===
Description: Several different paths, trails, and passages lead through the stunning Twilight Haven Woods. The woods are filled with lush foliage, ferns, vines, grasses and tall mature trees. It is also home to a variety of peaceful woodland animals (level 12 thru 17). However, these woodland creatures only venture forth in the safety of the night from dusk thru dawn. During the day a band of local bugbears (level 40 thru 44) rummage for food and plunder all who dare to be seen.
Author: Din Currency: Gold coins (default)
Rooms: 64 Population: 46
LevelRange: 12-44 MedianLevel: 17
AvgAlign: pure neutral MedAlignment: somewhat good
Economy: {{{ECONOMY}}}
Languages: {{{LANGUAGES}}}
Recommendation: Levels 12 thru 17 in dusk, night, and dawn. Levels 40 thru 44 during the day

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